22-01-2005 12:21:03
Does anyone know where people get the I <3 shirts that I see on the gratis site? do they send them with your ipod?
22-01-2005 12:22:13
Gratis was doing a promotion, people who got their iPods through a certain period of time got them....I don't know if they are still doing it.
22-01-2005 12:56:59
this shirt?
http/" alt=""/[/img5636864c60]
i'll sell it to you if you want it! lol
22-01-2005 14:19:14
I still say they should've sent all completed accounts one of those shirts no matter when you ordered. Haha, but then again that's why they call it a promotion and it would've cost a ton more.
22-01-2005 23:23:02
[quote4cae40043f="Collateral"]I still say they should've sent all completed accounts one of those shirts no matter when you ordered. Haha, but then again that's why they call it a promotion and it would've cost a ton more.[/quote4cae40043f]
Gratis like loves me for some reason. Here are my reasonings
1. Never been on hold, only a few rejected referrals
2. Got actual human respones
3. T-Shirt!!!!
22-01-2005 23:24:39
[quoteed14947a1f="J4320"]Sell it on eBay.[/quoteed14947a1f]
how much would that get? and what should i list it under?
23-01-2005 07:31:31
clothing....with iPod in the description...
that would raise a few eyebrows lol
23-01-2005 08:10:40
[quote7f69b00ec1="CoMpFrEaK"][quote7f69b00ec1="J4320"]Sell it on eBay.[/quote7f69b00ec1]
how much would that get? and what should i list it under?[/quote7f69b00ec1]
List it under clothing. But the real thing that catches people's attention is the search. So make sure you have good keywords.