22-01-2005 06:54:26
ack, i'm hoping to change my order. tia.
22-01-2005 09:40:33
I doubt you can change it if you're already STV
22-01-2005 09:48:21
22-01-2005 09:55:28
Yeah, I think it's a little late to change it now.
22-01-2005 09:56:59
No way can you change after stv hahaha
22-01-2005 10:12:36
Did you just figure out that the 20GB iPod was better or something?
22-01-2005 10:19:55
So during all the times you log into the site and see the ipods lined up at the top and checking status, and waiting for approval you finally order it and then it goes STV and only then you change your mind about the one you want? hahahahah Do this, sell it and add some money to it and buy a 20gb ipod. Or try to exchange it at the Apple store. Mini is 250 the 20gb is 300. See if you can add 50 bucks and get it. )
22-01-2005 10:24:54
That sucks, you could have just gotten it without paying $50. Oh well, better than paying $300.