How long for eFax credit????

Live forum:


21-01-2005 17:50:55

I have several people that signed up with eFax a few days ago, and they still have not gone green on my status page.

Also, a few people signed up with offers that were "instant" earlier today, and neither they or I have credit yet.

Can anyone shed some light on this????


21-01-2005 20:02:24

it should be instant.. wait 15 days then contact gratis


22-01-2005 10:42:23

For me it took two days.


27-01-2005 21:58:08

Two weeks for me, and nothing.


28-01-2005 09:39:51

it is supposed to take 1-2 days. if you don't block pop-ups, a window from gratis will pop up and say it should be credited in 1-2 days.


28-01-2005 10:12:04

after more than 10 days... no credit


28-01-2005 10:59:29

Just wondering do all of you who haven't received credit enable Internet Explorer to accept all cookies before you sign up for your offer? When I first signed up for freeipods I forgot to do this and had to have Gratis manually credit me, but ever since I found that out I made sure and told my referrals to do this too and haven't ever had any problems receiving credit. Between freeipods and freeminimacs I have had 3 people do efax and received credit everytime within a day.


28-01-2005 13:10:16

I got one ref per day to do an offer, and they have been going green exactly three days from when they say the offer was completed. I think the error on the site may have accounted for the slowdown in confirmation.


28-01-2005 15:28:08

I was wondering if things get slowed up if your credit card's billing address doesn't match up with the shipping address you have on file with gratis. My CC bills go to my PO Box, which I couldn't use w/Gratis.

'Course, it took one of my referrals two days to get credit for the $1 bidding place (which is supposed to be instant), so they may just be slowed up.