22-09-2004 07:02:19
what happends when someone reports you for abuse? I was on an IRC channel about music, posted my link while chatting, generated some conversation about the the site, but some bot said it was going to report me...will I get put on hold? Can I deal with Gratis to explain what happened?
22-09-2004 07:10:50
If I remember right, Gratis actually ASKS you to post the link to IRC, Messageboards, etc.
I'm not sure about the "report abuse" thing considering what their site says. I personally wouldn't sweat it too bad. Not unless a LOT of people are going to report you.
22-09-2004 07:16:35
Naw, just one mad mod I think...oh well, we'll see...I did nothing wrong so I shouldn't worry...thanks!
22-09-2004 07:21:22
Putting the link once is fine, just don't mass spam one place.. but even if you do, I don't think they will do anything.
22-09-2004 09:24:46
yeah, i think there would have to be multiple reports, or some evidence of unwanted spam. if nobody asked you to stop or if you only posted once, you should be fine
22-09-2004 14:07:19
Think about it. Gratis actually [i68bf13e7a7]wants[/i68bf13e7a7] you to spam their link. If I were them I'd be happy if someone did it. A whole lot more people join, and that person who gets reported doesn't get an iPod, which saves the company some cash.