Could be good news

Live forum:


22-09-2004 05:16:14

According to macdailynews, Apple and hp are gearing up to begin manufacturing 1 million iPods a month beginning in October. It was not clear if this would be a mix of iPods and hPods, but most likely it is.
Seems the sales have really grown last quarter and they'll produce more in a month than they did last quarter - or something to the effect.
So, if some larger shipments don't start coming (although, it seems a crap load of people go their hPods yesterday), here's a good signal that Oct. will be a good month.

Also, it really did seem like tons of people got their hPods yesterday. When you factor in that I was just observing the shout box on this site and the posts in this forum, and not other sites, it seems as though a large group received yesterday. I think this bodes well for the Apple iPod holdouts. All they need is one nice group of them, and I think a nice bite will be taken out of the backorders.

As for the rest of you who switched, I'm not so sure how it will all pan out. I'm still confused how they fill your orders. I know they put your name on the switch list, but I'm not sure if you keep your original iPod order place. When I read (if available), I got the impression that they try to fill the hPod order first, and then if that's not available, try to fill it with an iPod. Oh well, just some Wednesday morning ramblings.


22-09-2004 05:20:27

Its first switch first ship


22-09-2004 07:50:50

Tyketto, what switching does is put you on two waiting lists - hPod and iPod. Your iPod queue position is based on your IP3 date and time. Your hPod postition, on the other hand, is based on the date and time you switched to HP. Whichever waiting list you get to the top of first is which liPod you'll be shipped.


22-09-2004 07:53:29

OK, that finally makes sense. I know I've read it on here several times, but it just didn't register for some reason! )


22-09-2004 08:49:33

If it 'starts' in October, don't expect the extra supplies to hit resellers like ecost (gratis supplier) until at least mid november.

Apple's going to be using most of the extra for their stores (which are in short supply), and it's online store. Then increase the supply for resellers (much to their disapproval). That's the way it always works.

So eCost won't be feeling this until at least mid november (assuming this happens on time Oct 1. And isn't delayed... which is very possible).

Don't forget the christmas rush starts late Oct, early Nov. for technology stuff. Apple historically starts marketing overtime late Oct, early Nov. so people drop the money for the high tech goods before they blow it in the mallls late Nov early Dec The reason for this push.

So I doubt it will impact us at all.