Im pretty much a newb to all this and I signed up to freeipods.com before I found out about these conga lines!!!!They seem pretty awsome for getting referrals fast! so do I have any options if I already signed up for the site?!??!!
here's your option you sign-up for another deal with a conga.
No conga that I know of will let you join if you're already signed-up.
19-01-2005 18:53:44
+ All the congas are pretty much already filled. Everyone with internet I think has signed up to freeipods.com lol
19-01-2005 19:24:24
PM me. I have a conga and I can work something out for you. I'm very flexible.
19-01-2005 19:25:16
[quoteb8e86bb930="PodTopia"]PM me. I have a conga and I can work something out for you. I'm very flexible.[/quoteb8e86bb930]
Pod is pimp with the congas. P
David Letterman
19-01-2005 19:32:44
Could someone please explain how a conga line works?
19-01-2005 19:51:22
Sure. Here's a brief description
A conga is a line to get your item. This is how it works. Let's say Joe is first in the conga line. Then others sign up under him to get on the line. So David signs up and does an offer under Joe to get in line. The line will look like this
1. JOE
People keep signing up and doing offers for Joe until he get's all of his referrals, and Joe is done with people signing up under him. Then the next person in line, David, gets to move to the top. And it continues. PM me for my conga. Or e-mail me at theconga (at) gmail (dot) com.
19-01-2005 19:58:20
Yea i also already have an account too is there any way i could sign up to one of ur conga's PodTopia?
19-01-2005 20:19:06
[quote5ae58b41f5="N1tr0us"]Yea i also already have an account too is there any way i could sign up to one of ur conga's PodTopia?[/quote5ae58b41f5]
Give him you life's earnings.
19-01-2005 20:31:32
I warn all people to do the math with congas.
Work out how many more people you need with your place in line... does it sound good for you?
19-01-2005 20:34:10
[quote7856bf2f7f="adenosine"]I warn all people to do the math with congas.
Work out how many more people you need with your place in line... does it sound good for you?[/quote7856bf2f7f]
No, Congas suck
19-01-2005 20:38:39
congas do suck... don't do the conga thing
do they take a long time if your at the bottom
20-01-2005 15:02:54
if you're at the bottom, yes, they do. my congas just opened up, so you get positions at the top. Thanks!
PodTopia forgot to say that if you're at the top of a conga with absolutely no visibility, on a website that has no traffic, you can also wait forever.
This is the paradox of congas the more popular, the longer the line, the longer the wait ; the less popular, the shorter the line, the longer the wait. The best thing to do is probably wait for an opportunity to hop early on a conga on a popular website. Or find an alternative to lines.
20-01-2005 15:10:29
[quote6743f51512="Collateral"][quote6743f51512="PodTopia"]PM me. I have a conga and I can work something out for you. I'm very flexible.[/quote6743f51512]
Pod is pimp with the congas. P[/quote6743f51512]
That conga he is referring to is mine too. We share it. D
20-01-2005 15:11:48
[quotef1026d8297="l0th"]PodTopia forgot to say that if you're at the top of a conga with absolutely no visibility, on a website that has no traffic, you can also wait forever.
This is the paradox of congas the more popular, the longer the line, the longer the wait ; the less popular, the shorter the line, the longer the wait. The best thing to do is probably wait for an opportunity to hop early on a conga on a popular website. Or find an alternative to lines.[/quotef1026d8297]
Or realize that congas are a doomed concept!
It's all about directly marketing to people. You have to just be able to make signing up for some offer sound like a good thing.
again, if you're going to sign-up anyway, I don't see why you should not give yourself a chance to get referrals from a conga. The only reason I can see is when you sign-up for a friend and you think helping him/her counts more than getting a chance to get your own referrals.
and again too, congas don't prevent you from doing all the rest, you can trade, you can direct market, you can even spam if you really want to. The only thing you can't do once you're on a conga is benefit from another conga. Period.
20-01-2005 16:40:58
[quote79a4c1f6a1="l0th"]The only thing you can't do once you're on a conga is benefit from another conga. Period.[/quote79a4c1f6a1]
Sure you can. You can make as many of your own congas as you want. Btw, how do you get a conga line to be well known?
20-01-2005 16:53:16
i wish i was in 1
20-01-2005 16:59:28
I could arrange that....PM me for details.
20-01-2005 17:01:20
No way. PM me for my conga hypercube.
I'm going to have to illegally download a 3d modeler so I can accurately show how the referrals work.
20-01-2005 17:03:30
eh....you tryin to steel my maybe future CONGAer?
PM ME, for details.
20-01-2005 17:05:54
[quoteb20333dbd5="hovigga"]eh....you tryin to steel my maybe future CONGAer?
PM ME, for details.[/quoteb20333dbd5]
No, but I will tell them the math that is inherent in any conga.
You can try to get around it, but the math reigns supreme.
20-01-2005 17:08:03
My conga isnt a line...or a circle. Its a square. A new type of conga that I put together that I think will be a great method ounce people start seeing it.
20-01-2005 17:13:52
[quote2278c26552="hovigga"]My conga isnt a line...or a circle. Its a square. A new type of conga that I put together that I think will be a great method ounce people start seeing it.[/quote2278c26552]
Any time you give a person more than one referral, somebody gets screwed.
Either you a) aren't going to get more than one or two referrals or b) there are going to be a lot of the people at the bottom that get screwed.
The math prevents it from working any other way.
20-01-2005 17:26:12
I've heard stories of people being placed in a conga circle only to receive 1 referral 2 months later.
20-01-2005 17:28:22
[quotecf840d8c9d="Narakukuku"]I've heard stories of people being placed in a conga circle only to receive 1 referral 2 months later.[/quotecf840d8c9d]
I don't think the congas are any worse than eBait. Probably better because at least they isn't as spamful.
20-01-2005 18:05:26
So is eBait is posting your link on eBay? I keep hearing that term.
20-01-2005 18:15:44
[quote235c417e35="J4320"]So is eBait is posting your link on eBay? I keep hearing that term.[/quote235c417e35]
Some people here are master baiters.
20-01-2005 19:07:02
What should I do to make my conga more known to people?
20-01-2005 19:56:03
You should integrate it with mine ). PM me for more info.
20-01-2005 22:16:47
...Could you explain that concept to me?
20-01-2005 22:22:40
Yeah. I've got a conga. PM me and we'll talk about things. Otherwise, AIM me (using the button in the taskbar) or MSN messenger email==zcoolguy90@aol.comzcoolguy90@aol.com=zcoolguy90@aol.comzcoolguy90@aol.com/email (you must use the @ aol.com). Or e-mail me the conga (at) gmail (dot) com, or me personally at thezman512 (at) gmail (dot) com.
21-01-2005 02:20:04
I joined one or two GL congas, and now expect my descendants to inherit my position. ;)
Congas work for those who create them, plain and simple.
PodTopia I think you shouldn't explain this over PMs or AIM. I'm curious about how you plan on mixing two distinct lines without hurting anyone's interest. Or maybe you just want to put the two lines side by side on the same page, then hurting everyone who's already on them? Let us know what your plan is.
21-01-2005 08:12:40
I want to create a "conga network", a network of congas, kind of like "sister sites". Each one would share content (i.e. I write articles, and it gets posted on each site, etc.). We share one giant forum, and best of all, we begin a referral trading community. I've got some great ideas (at least I think they are). Please don't let anyone steal these ideas. We'll have a homepage that links to all of the "approved congas", and "approved sites". Putting our heads together sure beats working against each other. The homepage would link to each respective site, with their respective congas. There's so many congas out there that some people sign up for dead ones. The lines themselves would be different from each site, and the owners of the conga would not have to do anything to be featured on theCongaNetwork. This way, we can direct everyone from here to our conga site (if we make it). Once people get to the main page, we can tell them what's new on each site, and incorporate each site's forums into one giant one! If we put all of our sites together, then we can also have a huge referral trading site. I'd be willing to make the site if you wanted. Also, the main page would help to find the correct conga that suits that person's needs (i.e. if they want a circle, go to l0th's site, etc.). A network of sites really helps the entire conga "industry" and anyone that's not a member of the conga network would have to face this giant network of congas (probably limiting it to 20 congas or less). If you're still interested, post here, PM me, E-mail me, or IM me. I'll be away this weekend, so I'll be back Sunday night. I'm curious about what you think. Thanks!
22-01-2005 19:56:15
[quotec757eef4a5="PodTopia"]I want to create a "penis network", a network of penis, kind of like "sister sites". Each one would share content (i.e. I write articles, and it gets posted on each site, etc.). We share one giant forum, and best of all, we begin a referral trading community. I've got some great ideas (at least I think they are). Please don't let anyone steal these ideas. We'll have a homepage that links to all of the "approved penis", and "approved sites". Putting our heads together sure beats working against each other. The homepage would link to each respective site, with their respective penis. There's so many penis out there that some people sign up for dead ones. The lines themselves would be different from each site, and the owners of the penis would not have to do anything to be featured on penis. This way, we can direct everyone from here to our penis site (if we make it). Once people get to the main page, we can tell them what's new on each site, and incorporate each site's forums into one giant one! If we put all of our sites together, then we can also have a huge referral trading site. I'd be willing to make the site if you wanted. Also, the main page would help to find the correct penis that suits that person's needs (i.e. if they want a circle, go to l0th's site, etc.). A network of sites really helps the entire penis "industry" and anyone that's not a member of the penis network would have to face this giant network of penis (probably limiting it to 20 penis or less). If you're still interested, post here, PM me, E-mail me, or IM me. I'll be away this weekend, so I'll be back Sunday night. I'm curious about what you think. Thanks![/quotec757eef4a5]
A Penis Empire....
22-01-2005 20:40:00
That last comment was unnecessary because it wasn't the censor that made the change from the word "c-o-n-g-a."
22-01-2005 20:54:34
http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v626/Collateral1/yougive_threads_a_badname_bonjovi.jpg[/img816eca43c2]
22-01-2005 21:22:28
tell me about this so called circle, square hell ill take a triangle if need be