19-01-2005 15:56:32
ok guys i signed up for this site i kept in contact with the owner sending emails getting responses back in like 2days. NOW i have 3 friends that have all completed legit offers i sat there and watched them and its been 1weeks and 4days no response form the owner about this anyone talk to him lately
19-01-2005 17:08:39
He posted on these forums several days ago. He talked about his new mac mini site. E-mail me for the link. I"ve had the same problem with support. I think I'm done, but none of the offers have shown up. I have screenshots from ppl that have though. Weird (.
20-01-2005 05:40:14
Never Mind Guys I Have Just Jumped From 6 referrals To 8 Last Night approving for psp right now woo hooo
20-01-2005 06:49:00
well lets hope you get it! He says that he shipping from japan but i dont know about all that good luck keep us posted.
20-01-2005 17:01:57
2 more refs and ill b in your boat illjuan
20-01-2005 17:03:39
my bat shipping out jan.25 guess you will miss that one
20-01-2005 18:35:43
4 more for me. but they should all turn green tomorrow. Do I get in your boat??? LOL.
21-01-2005 21:36:19
iono i contacted the site owner and he told me that psp are due for shipping feb.15 everything else is good to go wat a bummer
22-01-2005 16:32:24
What does this have to do with free ipods?
I hope it's going to work out for you but I'd be surprised if you received your PSP before the first people to complete the deals that Gratis and OfferCentric will necessarily launch sooner or later.
23-01-2005 18:07:10
Gratis and OC will most likely not release their sites until the PSP's launch date sometime after March.....
23-01-2005 18:09:16
exactly lol so as long as i get it be4 the actuall release date im good i jjust wanna show it off on the campus