I've been browsing this site for the past hour or so and it seems that there are many experts here who have received numerous free ipods. I really want a silver iPod mini, and if anyone would be willing to go through the process to get me one, I will give you a 30-40 $ Webcertificate, or give you 30-40 $ through PayPal or any other method you choose. If 30-40 $ is unreasonable, how much will you accept? Thanks so much, I'd really appreciate it.
18-01-2005 17:36:12
So wait, are you basically offering $30-40 for an account when you could make one on your own?
18-01-2005 17:37:43
i think he doesnt want to find the referrals for it. and thats definitly not enough money to get a freeipod why would anyone invest that much time for 30-40 bucks when they could sell one on ebay for $300
18-01-2005 17:44:36
as long as it takes you to get 5 greens
18-01-2005 17:49:07
Speaking of which, (to everybody who's gotten an iPod already) how long did it take you to finally get all 5 greens?
18-01-2005 17:52:19
[quote6db5867671="GenesisX"]Speaking of which, (to everybody who's gotten an iPod already) how long did it take you to finally get all 5 greens?[/quote6db5867671]
i agree with stroids, i signed up during summer but never worked on it, but when i worked on it i got all the greens in 3 weeks, but it was hard work and did cost a bit of $$$ to get my link on a few sites, but im happy to say i have a ipod now!