20-11-2006 00:55:58
Ha, i'm surprised no one has mentioned this site at all.
It was released November 9th - brand new site.
The offers I see on the Level 3 (Nintendo Wii) are
-Blockbuster Online
-RealOne SuperPass (free 14-day trial)
-Magazine Burst
-Mobile Monkey Club (No CC Required)
-Shoppers Advantage ($1, 30 days)
-Overnight Genius (New offer.. sorta like Video Professor, 10-day trial)
-Joke Monkey (No CC Required)
-AutoVanage ($1, 30 days)
-Travelers Advantage ($1, 30 days) (Free 7-day trial)
-Great Fun ($1, 30 days)
They also offer the Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii, 360, PS3.
I guess i'm the only one going for this site. I'm offering PayPal for greens
10-12-2006 02:18:39
Anyone doing this )?
I'm almost done... 5 out of 6 - just completed my own offer (I had a hard time finding an offer to do, they switched the offers around me a few days after signing up to ones i've already done. Just today though they added the Citi Credit Monitoring 30-day trial though, which credits in 5-7 days, so I did that).
I feel kind of stupid now though, because I could of just done Gifts.FreePay and gotten an extra $50 for one LESS referral with the $300 GiftCert offer. All well though, too late into it now. Hopefully i'll be finished with this site by next week when my offer greens. I'll let you know how fast they ship it.
12-12-2006 08:47:20
I've gotten all my referrals, just waiting on my offer to credit
Doesn't really matter if it's a week credit, though, freepay doesn't allow you to redeem until you've been signed up for one month, right?
My one month mark is the 18th.
05-01-2007 05:47:05
How did this site work out for you? Do you know how many offers are required for each level? I see they have a DS for level 1, I figure it's at least 3 refs if not 5.
05-01-2007 11:31:30
My offer never credited (i think it was because I forgot to turn off zone alarm).
Then I tried to apply for manual credit and they replied back saying I have to wait 30 days for credit card applications to go through, when I did the "Citi Credit Monitoring" offer. HELLO? Do you not even know what offers you have on your site. It is not a credit card offer, it's a credit card monitoring SERVICE. Well, I resubmitted it noting how dumb they are and asked them to manually process it once again.
I would do another offer.. but I can't. I've done them all.
05-01-2007 15:59:29
What a bunch of b.s.
I noticed they had the Sirius offer up, so I did that. Spent $50, it says on the pop-up "instant credit", and I still haven't received credit yet.
05-01-2007 16:56:14
Ok, it just took like 30 minutes, but I got credit. I'm gonna mail my form out tomorrow.
09-01-2007 08:13:01
I mailed out my form today via priority with delivery confirmation.. they should receive it in 2-3 days.
11-01-2007 17:14:12
They received my form today...
11-01-2007 17:20:40
bruman i meniotned the gifts.freepay with the super certifict have u gotten anything from there or attempted they still want form for that site?
11-01-2007 17:21:29
lol I figured you could use some company since you've been talking to yourself for a while.
07-02-2007 23:17:34
[quotea9f60bf5f6="ClassAct"]bruman i meniotned the gifts.freepay with the super certifict have u gotten anything from there or attempted they still want form for that site?[/quotea9f60bf5f6]
I haven't done Gifts.FreePay.
lol I figured you could use some company since you've been talking to yourself for a while.[/quotea9f60bf5f6]
Thank you good sir
http//[" alt=""/imga9f60bf5f6]
Update I was approved and am now processing for my nintendo wii as of the 6th of this month.
12-02-2007 08:34:53
I can do this site if anyone needs a ref....
23-03-2007 19:04:24
can I just ask has anyone gotten a free Nitendo Wii Console yet? if so how long was the processing period and shipping respectively? Thanx.
26-06-2007 17:26:09
Received today!
Big thanks to GratisAaron.
http/" alt=""/"185/787/fipgproofnv2.jpg[" alt=""/img2c74bbb309]