08-11-2006 20:29:22
Check out this link to FreePay's terms and conditions page [u67d353db78]
Look under [b67d353db78]III. ELIGIBILITY FOR RECEIVING A FREE ITEM FOR gifts.freepay.com WEBSITES[/b67d353db78] Section a), subsection iii
iii. A user who signs up with our website must successfully complete the requirements to obtain a free item within 90 days, starting from the day the user signed up. These requirements are 1) Complete one advertising offer and 2) have
[b67d353db78]100 unique people[/b67d353db78][/color67d353db78] sign up as referrals via the user's unique referral URL and complete an advertising offer.
I'm sure this is a typo, but come on! T&C's are binding clauses we adhere to, even though FreePay reserves the right to modify them at any time for any reason. I just find it odd that they even specify a number, since they go into "Referral Levels" in the previous section. The number of required referrals is directly proportionate to the inherant value of the freebie.
Mind you, one ought to get 100 referrals just to make up for the 75 that never get greenlit. ;)
lol that is amusing
open a ticket and tell them )
08-11-2006 22:24:58
But can his heart take it when they say it's not a typo? ;)
11-11-2006 00:47:29
hahah Thats wut i thought at first i chose the Wii then says 100REFERRAL?? WTF? then i cchoose another gift and went back to wii then the mistake change from 100 to 6~