16-01-2005 13:24:29
I think I'll sign up for the gratis ... If anyone is interested in a trade, I would like that. The thing is I will not complete my offer until I receive my three referrals for this shuffle site (so I don't waste an offer), which means it might be a week or 2 before I complete it. I would like to trade with someone who has been on this board for longer than a week (someone I know won't jip me)...PM me or AIM me and let me know which sites you can sign up for...there's only a few I am working on at the moment. Thanks.
16-01-2005 14:18:53
did you know that "jip" is actually a racial statement suggesting that "gypsies" are theifs?
17-01-2005 18:44:02
[quotefbe9d9b6a5="FreeOffersNow"]did you know that "jip" is actually a racial statement suggesting that "gypsies" are theifs?[/quotefbe9d9b6a5]
gypsies is not an ethnicity nor a culture...
unless you give me info otherwise.
17-01-2005 18:49:27
[quote946db18da9="FreeOffersNow"]did you know that "jip" is actually a racial statement suggesting that "gypsies" are theifs?[/quote946db18da9]
Did you know that "theif" is spelled "thief"? lol
18-01-2005 01:12:15
[quotebae9f31bb3="Anonymous"][quotebae9f31bb3="FreeOffersNow"]did you know that "jip" is actually a racial statement suggesting that "gypsies" are theifs?[/quotebae9f31bb3]
Did you know that "theif" is spelled "thief"? lol[/quotebae9f31bb3]
heheh. in this case it's "thieves"
18-01-2005 01:23:48
[quoteba9dc52e9a="FreeOffersNow"]did you know that "jip" is actually a racial statement suggesting that "gypsies" are theifs?[/quoteba9dc52e9a]
Am I allowed to call the Japanese "Nips" as short for 'nipponese'?
19-01-2005 12:33:32
http//[" alt=""/img9c4f93e9c7]
yummy, I love nips.
19-01-2005 12:35:50
They're ok. Pizza is better.
19-01-2005 13:23:53
YAY! Pizza!!!...a college student's favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal -)
19-01-2005 13:25:26
Junk food junkies!!
This actually makes me feel good about eating so much of the quiche from the coffee place in my office.
19-01-2005 13:46:42
Collateral, LOL, second place you've posted about pizza.