21-09-2004 19:08:23
Hi im a newb and i dont know if this is against the rules but can i ask if somebody here will get 5 refrences and do the offer for me and all the work and i pay them and i get the ipod
thank you
if its against the rules sorry
p.s if somebody want to also do a flat screen tv ill pay for it
21-09-2004 19:18:27
If anybody Can do it for cheaper and u have a pm and i edited the post
23-09-2004 20:02:42
MadHatter... You are doing this whole thing all wrong. Don't randomly IM people and ask them to get referrals for you... If you want an iPod, find some friends, if you don't just pay for one.
24-09-2004 07:54:23
MadHatter, I'll help you out. PM me...