Anyone Else having Problems With The help/FAQ

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14-01-2005 07:27:40

I tried to get some info on my shipping address(to make sure it's correct) and every single link in the FAQ is non functional. I have emailed gratis Internet about this, but have gotten no response. Anyone else having this issue?


16-01-2005 16:12:23

I have the exact same problem. I just used my downstairs computer.


16-01-2005 16:40:15

works for me. -\


16-01-2005 19:47:40

You cannot see the address you put in when you signed up for the site until you are approved and are ready to order the free gift. once you are ready to order it will ask you to verify the shipping address and thats where the gift will be shipped so dont worry once you are ready to order they will let you confirm it. If you have already ordered click on check my status and then click on the order it should show you the address its going to.