12-01-2005 21:05:06
Anyone know who the gratis xbox vendor is? I'm still stv....
13-01-2005 05:31:59
I'm also wondering this!! It's been 2 weeks and a day since I placed my order, and 1 week since I've been STV.
13-01-2005 06:14:40
i think i read its called freevideogames out of new york or new jersey. Dont quote me on that i just remeber somebody saying that it had the same name as one of the gratis websites.
13-01-2005 09:43:00
Just got email this a little while ago that I shipped! No tracking # though, so I have no clue when this thing is coming... Hmm!
13-01-2005 10:50:55
On a somewhat related note, where is the best (and cheapest) place to get an Slim PS2? I'm going to take the paypal from Prizecube I think - after fees I'll get $155 or so. I don't mind putting in a few dollars.
13-01-2005 16:58:37
I shipped too! No tracking number long does that typically take?
15-01-2005 07:18:56
Xbox vender is freevideogames in NJ....