18-09-2006 13:58:35
Now that i got it, I'd like to thank everyone here at FIPG.
To all those who made my wait as uncomforting and comforting as possible lol. I hope you get yours soon St00pid, cause damn man your long overdue. Also, Evilfury. I wont be frequently coming here as much cause i no longer wish to see the pain of others in their endless wait. But i do plan to return this ipod to the apple store and see how much they will charge me to get a new 80 gig one. Good luck all and thanks freepay!
w00t, congrats. Hopefully mine will ship someday this week. I want to trade it in aswell.
18-09-2006 23:10:14
Hell yeah I'm fucking long overdue.
19-09-2006 05:34:38
WOOT WOOT...finally the freepay thread won't be flooded with "threats!"
Congrats dude.
19-09-2006 07:30:08
Congrats, my camera comes today.
19-09-2006 07:35:44
cool, i should get my 30gb today )
19-09-2006 13:26:46
[quote194e47b610="nobody2000"]WOOT WOOT...finally the freepay thread won't be flooded with "threats!"
Congrats dude.[/quote194e47b610]
yeah lol
20-09-2006 20:38:29
[quoteca55fdbe80="Tropic32"]Now that i got it, I'd like to thank everyone here at FIPG.
To all those who made my wait as uncomforting and comforting as possible lol. I hope you get yours soon St00pid, cause damn man your long overdue. Also, Evilfury. I wont be frequently coming here as much cause i no longer wish to see the pain of others in their endless wait. But i do plan to return this iPod to the apple store and see how much they will charge me to get a new 80 gig one. Good luck all and thanks freepay![/quoteca55fdbe80]
did they let u upgrade?