Giftcard.freepay (offical waiting game thread)

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11-09-2006 23:57:51

Processing since 7/12....i know i know, not long..yes i've played the waiting game for the 360 (10 months from approval)...but I wanna know how many ppl are waiting and from when

processing 7/12/06 (gotta put the year ) )


12-09-2006 05:11:05

why not put this in the other thread?


12-09-2006 05:40:02

[quote8c2bb8fe9a="Rampage575"]Processing since 7/12....i know i know, not long..yes i've played the waiting game for the 360 (10 months from approval)...but I wanna know how many ppl are waiting and from when

processing 7/12/06 (gotta put the year ) )[/quote8c2bb8fe9a]
I've been processing since that same date. (
You would think it might ship a little quicker, since its not actually an item. They just email it to you.


12-09-2006 07:18:59

[quoted0a6ca147b="nobody2000"]why not put this in the other thread?[/quoted0a6ca147b]

because when i read through it, it doesn't seem like many did this/are doing it... ?


12-09-2006 17:23:39

or we are just patient enough not to complain all the time...


12-09-2006 17:33:23

[quotefa3ba786e2="ILoveToys"]or we are just patient enough not to complain all the time...[/quotefa3ba786e2]

http//[" alt=""/imgfa3ba786e2]


12-09-2006 17:50:22

processing since 5/30


12-09-2006 18:18:47

Processing since 6/21 sent in BBB complain on 8/19 no response no anything. DAMN FREEPAY!