How long is shipping taking right now...
08-01-2005 14:10:36
Just got approved last week and show my order has been sent to vendor...anyone know how long it's taking to get them...i'm guessing it's probably running at a month????
08-01-2005 14:23:00
i was STV for about a week and a half before i recieved mine, dont worry it will come soon
08-01-2005 15:40:24
Is there any other way I could check my status or see if they have a backorder of ipods?
08-01-2005 15:51:18
no way to check until you go shipped! You should probably get shipped this week )
08-01-2005 15:56:07
rhjw2001 wrote
For users who are in a Sent to Vender state you can find out where your package is before FreeiPods updates there site. Gratis switch to EFULFILLMENT for orders. Long story short Gratis buys 100 iPods for example and has them all sent to EFULFILLMENT who then sends it out to people. If your status is Sent to Vendor and a couple days have pass (2-3 days) then you more than likely will get to see your package stats. Here is how
1. Goto http//
2. Enter Your FreeiPod's Order Number in the "Shipper's Reference" box.
3. Enter "49637" in the "U.S. Origin ZIP"
4. Enter Your Zipcode in the "U.S. Destination ZIP"
5. Set the "Beginning Ship Date" to a date before the Sent to Vendor date
6. Leave the "Ending Ship Date" with the current date.
7. Hit "Track" and you should see your status.
Note Please allow a few days after your Sent to Vendor date or it won't work. For example my STV was 12/3 and the date the iPod was sent was 12/7.
it will be here 12/10.
Very Happy
This might work for you try it out!
08-01-2005 16:07:32
"No shipments found. Please revise criteria and resubmit." maybe they haven't processed the orders yet.
08-01-2005 16:15:58
well it didnt work for me until they actually shipped but it might work try in a few days
08-01-2005 16:35:35
It didn't pull up mine either...guess I'll have to check again on is it taking a week or so now...(from the looks of the other threads on the forum...)
08-01-2005 16:39:45
yeah pretty much something like that
08-01-2005 16:50:44
08-01-2005 17:12:32
does it work for the other gratis sites?
08-01-2005 19:43:00
WHAT?? You guys are approved and STV???? THey haven't even approved me yet AGH They've forgotten about me haven't they?
08-01-2005 21:33:24
I had five and they rejected two, put my account on hold, i had 3 more people sign up, sent them a customer service inquiry and by the next day I was taken off hold, and the day after that i was approved to order my ipod...
10-01-2005 09:01:00
So if my order was STV on the 5th, how long should it take before I can pull it up on the DHL website...
10-01-2005 10:08:07
i couldnt pull mine until it actually said shipped on my order status page, but the 12-03 STV were able to do it before it said shipped on the status page so it could go either way, you should probably go shipped within a week thats my guess
shipped... says it will be here wednesday
10-01-2005 14:39:56
Congrats!!! Make sure you are there to sign for it!
10-01-2005 16:53:36
10-01-2005 17:05:49
congrats stiles, i have 12 yellows, i should get 5 greens in a few weeks though
10-01-2005 17:18:51
I'm still awaiting approval (
10-01-2005 17:19:57
Congrats Stiles another hold loop sucess
10-01-2005 18:02:35
[quote5ea7320993="stroid"]Congrats Stiles another hold loop sucess[/quote5ea7320993]
-D hell yeah man, i hope it comes Wednesday. how accurate are the DHL tracking times?
10-01-2005 18:04:08
Mine was very accurate i got it at like 1030 am right when i woke up
10-01-2005 18:41:49
SHIPPED...should be here thursday...
12-01-2005 09:50:03
hey los how long did it take to go from processing to STV?
12-01-2005 10:49:00
There really can be an answer.. I'm sorry. It took about a month STV and 'shipped' to get to me.. I chose the mini ipod. Depends on the item you chosed on to...
12-01-2005 10:52:05
Mine should be getting here tomorrow....WHOO HOO!!!
14-01-2005 09:44:56
Can we sticky this for the DHL tracking info?
14-01-2005 11:53:27
Got mine yesterday!!!! Pretty friggin' slick...and there are people out there that actually think this is a scam...TOO BAD FOR THEM!!!
http//[" alt=""/img6502e79ebc]
[img="6502e79ebc]http//[" alt=""/img6502e79ebc]
[img="6502e79ebc]http//[" alt=""/img6502e79ebc]
[img="6502e79ebc]http//[" alt=""/img6502e79ebc]
14-01-2005 12:08:48
So beautiful!! Congrats!
14-01-2005 15:17:31
Sweet! Shipped! The DHL thing worked, Gratis still says STV.
Shipment Summary
Current Status In Transit
Est. Delivery Date 1/20/05
14-01-2005 15:34:13
yeah that happens sometimes isnt it great )