unlike the other instant offers.. it doesn't say it gives credit instantly.. it says it gives credit upon completion..
but most of the people on this forum seem to think it's instant..
why the diff choice in words?
06-01-2005 20:51:21
not a clue on the diffrence in words but it is instant
07-01-2005 03:53:41
Well I did peoplepc and it isn't instant so you may be in luck.
I had a very bad experience with video professor in the past back in the days of freedvds. As in they claimed the CDs were free with you only having to pay shipping and then later having $70.00 ripped out of my account without warning. This was before they made a little note on their page that you had to return the CDs to prevent being charged. But maybe video professor is better now, I don't know.
07-01-2005 05:31:12
VP is the same, just make sure you get the CDs back within 30 days!
07-01-2005 08:18:12
you only get charged for video prof if you dont call them and cancel within the trail period. when you call them they give you a cancelation number which stops them from taking out money from your account. if not you will be charged $70 but as long as you call its a great deal