05-01-2005 16:14:21
i just signed up for freeflatscreens and i have not got an email to verify my account. then i went to the sight and clicked the button that said send an email to my account. well i waited and it hasnt come so today i clciked it again and i have yet to get an email. so can i still get refferals even though my account has not been verified. i also checked my spam folder and it isnt in there
05-01-2005 16:27:42
you can still get referrals, what is you email provider, I've had problems with yahoo and hotmail email addresses, when trying to verify my account. i just changed it to a different email provider.
05-01-2005 16:27:57
double check what email you have listed on their website maybe you sent it to the wrong email. are you using hotmail
09-01-2005 09:47:20
it's most likely in your spam folder, check there.
09-01-2005 14:31:11
i remember when i signed up for freeipods.com i was using hotmail, and no matter what i did, i couldn't seem to get it to mail it to that account, so i just got sick and tired of it, and made a new e-mail from a different site and switched it, then got verified.