Sent to Vendor?

Live forum:


13-08-2006 14:34:52

Now that many Canadians have been moved to STV... I was wondering how long the STV process usually takes, and if it means they already have the iPods in stock.

Thanks in advance.


13-08-2006 14:46:23

very quickly.


13-08-2006 15:40:43

In my experience with my and freeipodnanos, I received the item after 3 days of STV and it changed to shipped after a day I received the ipods. But with freedigital cameras, it's been taking over a week at STV.


23-08-2006 15:51:16

I just noticed something while searching through the help topics on FreePay.

"I want to know when I will receive my product.

For products that are [be57c362db8]currently in stock[/be57c362db8] with our suppliers/fulfillment vendors, your product order is [be57c362db8]immediately sent to them for fulfillment. [/be57c362db8]For products that are currently unavailable due to high demand and/or limited supply, we will only submit your product order to the appropriate supplier/fulfillment vendor when the product is available with them."

I always knew that they sent the order to them to be fulfilled, but I thought that sometimes they sent it to the vendor while it was not in stock, and therefore we would have to wait for a while.

I have only recieved one gift (vid ipod) and when I went stv i got it within days,(but i thought that i was just lucky) so i'm hoping that the same will happen with my laptop.

Now that I'm STV, i'm guessing that all STV's go that quickly, seeing that the product is already in stock.