31-12-2004 11:44:07
I tried to trade referrals with this guy (he's on mp3players4free and I'm on freeipods.com) but he sent me this message this morning
"i just got an email from the ipod ppl and it said that we are sorry to inform you but one of your referrals has been signed up on another site. this referral will be disqualified. please get another one. it wasnt you but that tells me that they check. I need one more now and i am searching for that. If i sign up for yours now it will most likely disqualify us both because we are "assisting" eachother. i would rather wait till i got one more then totally help you finish by getting more people and stuff. lmk what u think"
Does that really happen? Are people not allowed to sign up on two sites? I'm pretty confused now. Someone set me straight!
Thank you very much!
no, it can't happen in the example you're giving. Gratis (freeipods.com) and OfferCentric (mp3players4free) are two unrelated companies and they don't exchange info about their customers. So, either the guy's lying or Gratis and OC merged this morning and we're not aware of it yet.
31-12-2004 12:39:26
it's a big lie...can't happen
06-01-2005 21:46:12
for all you guys who are working on other sites, i have not registered for any other sites besides freeipods.com. If trading is legit, i will gladly register for your site (anything legit and not freeipods.com) if you register under my freeipods.com link. This would be a great chance for a win/win situation.
Although i am curious, if some1 does register with my link and i get a green and then after i get my 5 greens it turns out one or more of the people already had an account could i be put on hold and not recieve my ipod?? (i think i explained this properly, sorry if i didnt)
06-01-2005 21:49:22
As will I, if you would like of course... That is, if anyone wants to do the "I'll sign up for your free website thing if you sign up for my free IPod thing."
If this isn't legitimate tell me hurry so I don't do anything stupid. Gratis is sexy.
Sorry man, people suck. This guy was joking you.
Don't worry thought - life will go on!
06-01-2005 21:50:47
if i hadnt signed up for all those sites i would trade but i have. and you will find most people here have already signed up but good luck!
06-01-2005 21:53:48
proverb what sites have you registered for?? i am only on freeipods.com.
ok, it seems that this is legit and we aren't "cheating the system". So with that said, anyone who has not registered with freeipods.com and would like to trade referrals with me PM me and we'll get it worked out.
ps. do freeipods.com, freephotipods.com, freeflatscreens.com etc etc all count as different ones?? for example would i be able to trade referals with someone from any of these other gratis sites? (if, of course, they had not singed up for freeipods.com yet)
07-01-2005 03:57:43
Yeah...im in., if you guys wanna sign under mine for offer centric ill do a freeipod.com ...pm me, lets get this goin!
im really considering just buying one...ahhhhh! i need some more greens![/colore0628fc6e7][/sizee0628fc6e7]
07-01-2005 08:20:18
phorty why are you going crazy about ipods every thread you post in talk about needing greens be patient they will come!
07-01-2005 08:37:18
ok check your PM's phorty.
Come on people easy way to get your referrals!! DO IT!!
08-01-2005 12:32:01
i have another question about this though, as you know gratis has multiple sites like freeipods, freeflatscreens etc etc. My question is, can i sign up on each of those sites as a unique user? or is it that once i sign up for one i can't sign up for any of the others.
If we can sign up multiple times (for each offer) then anyone doing any other offer i will sign up under you if you sign up under my freeipods.com link. PM me to work it out.
08-01-2005 13:31:31
yes you can sign up for each of their sites. i am doing everysite they have.
08-01-2005 14:06:57
PHorty, you sent me a PM and we were gonna switch refferals, are you still on for that