Whats the best offer deal!?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4365


29-12-2004 22:29:45

From Gratis that is...

What was the most common offer selected in here?

Whats the best deal?

Whats the cheapest?

Ect. post on!!!!!


29-12-2004 22:31:34

U should use the search option there are tons of threads on this. But i like infone, blockbuster, ancestry, and efax.


29-12-2004 22:33:02

Infone's still up?


29-12-2004 22:33:13

Quick question, if i apply for lets say- the student edge college card-blah blah blah thing.

Do i only receive credit for getting approved or just applying for it?


29-12-2004 22:33:44

Gotta get approved I believe.


29-12-2004 22:35:09

Thanks a bunch...to be on the safe time scale side of it, i think i'll run with the blockbuster one...besides everyone likes movies, no?


29-12-2004 22:35:51

i dont think infone is up but it was really good.


29-12-2004 22:37:12

what was infone anyway?
I'm new to this so...im only familiar with what they offer as of now...oh and how often do they regulate the revolving flow of offers?


29-12-2004 23:03:31

You must be approved and activate by making a purchase, balance transfer, or cash advance. By the way I only answered that for community benefit...

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