29-12-2004 19:50:55
I'm stv 11/23, supposedly shipped 12/8 and i still have not received it. In fact DHL has not changed order status because EFULLFILLMENT never gave them my order to ship it to me. I've tried contacting gratis but every time i ask i get and automated response. Then I reply to it and my request gets completely blanked out....meaning that the subject and body contain blank space and all of the prior requests have been removed. I am very concerned and do not know what I should do.
29-12-2004 19:57:57
that sucks, hopefully it's not lost somewhere.
29-12-2004 22:43:04
i took it. ill trade it for three cool sticks of celary....maybe.
But seriously, was there anything that you might've done wrong?
29-12-2004 22:47:15
no i doubt they did anything wrong it seems as a misunderstanding between the shipper and gratis. if they got approved and stv and then shipped there is no reason that they shouldnt get it.
30-12-2004 06:52:48
I just don't know what I should do now. My address is all correct, there is no status change in shipping. Gratis won't answer my inquiries. I had 8 or 9 greens, I did everything correctly. I dont see anyway to get into contact with Gratis or EFULLFILMENT about my order.
30-12-2004 08:00:40
If you run out of ways to contact them you can try snail mail
Gratis Internet
PO Box 50945
Washington, DC 20091
This address was in their terms and conditions
30-12-2004 09:17:10
yea mailing them would be your best bet
it seems that Gratis has disregarded their techsupport in favour of auto responses..
which I think are really stupid... but yea, you can always sue. lol