24-07-2006 19:57:32
[b6b991944db]I sent it[/b6b991944db]
[quote6b991944db]Hello, I sent in my approval form about 4 months ago and I still haven't had an update on my account status. Now, I signed up to this site believing I was actually going to get a free product and not to be scammed. I know the offer I complete aswell as the ones completed by my friends, are earning you alot of money. So, could I please get something in return? I could settle for anything else you currently have available. Please. Thank You.[/quote6b991944db]
My account was closed because I didn't 'complete' my requirements at the time required but just today, not even a day later after I sent in this message. I got this
We have approved your account and referrals. You may now complete your order for a FREE Premium iPod.
You have until 9/22/2006 to submit your order.[/quote6b991944db]
Status - Processing
This may not be much, but hey. At least my account status was finally updated. D I'm not even mad at freepay anymore. They're sending me a $399 product for free! OWNAGE!!!!! wink
24-07-2006 20:02:00
[quote39c80eb1b6="elgordoflaco"][b39c80eb1b6]I sent it[/b39c80eb1b6]
[quote39c80eb1b6]Hello, I sent in my approval form about 4 months ago and I still haven't had an update on my account status. Now, I signed up to this site believing I was actually going to get a free product and not to be scammed. I know the offer I complete aswell as the ones completed by my friends, are earning you alot of money. So, could I please get something in return? I could settle for anything else you currently have available. Please. Thank You.[/quote39c80eb1b6]
My account was closed because I didn't 'complete' my requirements at the time required but just today, not even a day later after I sent in this message. I got this
We have approved your account and referrals. You may now complete your order for a FREE Premium iPod.
You have until 9/22/2006 to submit your order.[/quote39c80eb1b6]
Status - Processing
This may not be much, but hey. At least my account status was finally updated. D I'm not even mad at freepay anymore. They're sending me a $399 product for free! OWNAGE!!!!! wink[/quote39c80eb1b6]
Say that you arent mad ONCE YOU GET THE IPOD... I have been waiting for mine since february 14th (
24-07-2006 20:02:56
Damn that sucks, I ordered the white one though. I hope to god they at least have the white ones in stock.
24-07-2006 21:11:39
Good luck getting it shipped, I been sitting on processing on xbox360s for 2 weeks now.
24-07-2006 21:22:38
Processing on Flatscreens for over a month...
25-07-2006 06:15:02
umm processing for digitalcameras for 3 months?
take a seat, you have a while
25-07-2006 11:05:01
I've been processing on Premium iPods for almost two months now.
I've been waiting for ANY update to my Mac Mini account for almost 4 months now. Jake confirmed they have my form, customer service confirmed they have my form, the USPS shows they signed for the form. But my status page has never been updated, it still says to send in the form...that there parties have verified has already been sent.
25-07-2006 11:26:19
Man, that is just horrible customer service on Freepay's part.
So what sort of responses do they give when you submit a help ticket under your account?
25-07-2006 11:28:48
[quote77a3c077a1="dmorris68"]Processing on Flatscreens for over a month...[/quote77a3c077a1]
I've been processing on Flatscreens for over 2 months. I win. P
25-07-2006 11:33:14
[quote201aad6329="J4320"][quote201aad6329="dmorris68"]Processing on Flatscreens for over a month...[/quote201aad6329]
I've been processing on Flatscreens for over 2 months. I win. P[/quote201aad6329]
nope, you lose
25-07-2006 12:40:53
[quote0476561c43="chillywilly"]So what sort of responses do they give when you submit a help ticket under your account?[/quote0476561c43]
Sometimes you get no response at all. Check out my open ticket history trying to get manual credit on their PS3 site
http//home.alltel.net/dmorris/pics/fpps3ticket.png[" alt=""/img0476561c43]
Since before mid-June I've been trying to get credit. The first ticket was closed after they responded that they had forwarded it to the manual credit dept. After 2 weeks I opened this one, and have been bumping it every so often. No reply yet...
Wow, I'm lucky to get replies to my tickets. O.o
26-07-2006 19:07:52
sorry elgordoflaco, but your post just made me lmao.
lets see how long your grin will last.