How long does crediting offers take?

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28-12-2004 23:59:36

I'm asking this because i registered with the eBay offer back in July and that took 1 day. I just got 4 referrals, which I hope will push me over the limit of 5 (i have 3 so far), but I'm wondering how long it will take to see if the actually complete an offer or simply just joined.


29-12-2004 00:02:41

depends on the offer they did, are they friends or strangers, either way you can email them and ask them if they actually did an offer and which one they did this can give you an estimate of when you will be credited. most offers will be credited within 15days.


29-12-2004 10:32:35

Two things...

1) If a friend signed up make sure they completed an offer. Then, the longest it should take for you to obtain credit is 2 weeks. (yes, it's long but be patient ;-) )

2) If a stranger/random person signed up, you can try emailing them, but trust me, it won't work. I've emailed my 55 refs over 2 times trying to persuade them to complete an offer; however, this has not worked. I haven't even received a response from any of them. I actually found out that at least 5 of them put in 'fake' email addresses.

ALSO, it depends on which offer they completed. Credit card offers (like the GM Card, etc.) can take up to 2 weeks, while other offers (video professor, infone, ebay) are [i060e3d17e5]usually[/i060e3d17e5] instant. I say 'usually' because some people have had long delays in receiving offer credit when completing offers like ebay.

Anyways, hope that your refs do turn green )


29-12-2004 10:50:17

just be smart and try to convince them to do one of the offers that is labeled "instant" or "1-2 days". sadly, the instant offers are far from instant. it took about a week for me to obtain credit from three referrals that completed myinks. it was an "instant" offer. roll but overall they are fairly good about crediting regardless of how long it takes.


29-12-2004 13:07:43

NExiderm , and all the stuff like that are instant i did nexiderm last night and it credited like 2 hrs later


29-12-2004 17:18:46 takes forever. I did my blockbuster, and still no credit. WEAK!