12-21 Shipped!!!!!!!!!!!
28-12-2004 11:57:28
Just shipped!!! Woot!!!
28-12-2004 11:58:36
Shipped by DHL if you wanna check your status.
go to
Then put in your refrence number from the freeipods site.
28-12-2004 11:58:52
same here! D
Whats is your refrence number I tried my order number and the numbers at the end of my refural number, but none worked am I missing something??
28-12-2004 12:05:53
go here http//www.freeipods.com/Orders.aspx and click the hyperlinked Order#. status - Shipped (xxxxxxxxxx) You're reference number is where the x's are )
ty stroid for the info + link!
Yet again Stroid and FON help me out... thanks guys, ya'll are the best!!
28-12-2004 12:12:43
No problem! Im pumped about this now. But my status on DHL just says shipped but it doesnt have an ETA yet. I wonder when that information will be available.
28-12-2004 12:25:05
Probably tomorrow, they haven't processed the destination yet, just picked up the package.
28-12-2004 12:32:15
Mine says it is shipped too. I don't have an eta either, but I am happy to know it is finally on its way. D
28-12-2004 12:35:15
I just called DHL @ 1-800-225-5345 and talked to a customer service rep. He said i should reviece it tommorow.
28-12-2004 12:42:08
whoaaaa no way!!!! that'd be so sweet....where are you located though? Same state as shipper? I live in Upstate NY (
28-12-2004 12:51:53
In ATL, GA!!
NICE... I am in Houston TX, its gonna be a few days till I get mine...
28-12-2004 13:27:39
Mine was shipped too! The Estimated Delivery Date is 12/30 , Thursday ! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! D D D D D D D
28-12-2004 13:30:41
If you click the link and put in your refrence number it does show the estimated date. At least mine does.
28-12-2004 13:47:45
Well hot damn you're right. Thanks for bein on the ball!
Shipment Summary
Current Status Departing origin.
Est. Delivery Date 12/29/04
Thanks again stroid!
28-12-2004 13:51:00
My estimated delivery date is 12-31 (Los Angeles, CAlifornia). Hopefully I get it before the New Year. Thanks Stroid
28-12-2004 13:51:01
No problem! Good luck to everyone! )
28-12-2004 14:17:14
you guys are lucky bitches, lol -D
28-12-2004 14:30:17
It seems that efulfillment is the new provider for freeipods because if you check the dhl site now it says that it was shipped from efulfillment. the last two shipments were also form them. Thats pretty good service its coming from Michigan and im in ATL and i should get it tommorow thats pretty quick.
28-12-2004 15:32:25
I'm still waiting for approval =P
28-12-2004 16:21:13
Does anybody know whats the possibility of getting your ipod shipped before or after the estimated delivery date? Do you guys know if DHL only delivers on weekdays, or weekends too.
28-12-2004 17:31:44
Every day but Sunday...just like every other shipping company P
Mine updated tonight, it says it will come on Thursday!!! HELL YEAH!!
28-12-2004 20:43:49
Very nice!
28-12-2004 20:44:52
[quote0ee96a873e="Drex"]Mine updated tonight, it says it will come on Thursday!!! HELL YEAH!![/quote0ee96a873e]
luckkkkyyyy bitches. i just want STV
28-12-2004 21:36:06
[quoteb8db9d7e8d="stiles05s"][quoteb8db9d7e8d="Drex"]Mine updated tonight, it says it will come on Thursday!!! HELL YEAH!![/quoteb8db9d7e8d]
luckkkkyyyy bitches. i just want STV[/quoteb8db9d7e8d]
i just want my iPod