anyone trying to get a second pod?
27-12-2004 16:17:27
i am... i already received a mini and now i'm going for the photo ipod )
i forgot how i got people to sign and complete the offers but it took to a long time to receive the mini but it was worth waiting because hey, it's free right? wink
but now, i know its going to take longer for all the referals to be completed. 10 people need to complete offers for photo pod. looks like it might take me three months for it to get completed /
27-12-2004 17:24:02
be lucky....its been 4 months and i need 2 more referrals for my 20 gig
27-12-2004 17:40:11
im about to recieve my 2nd ipod, one from mp3players4free one form gratis
27-12-2004 19:09:29
I got one 20gb and one 40gb Photoipod from Gratis. People don't like the mp3players4free site I guess, becuase I have like 100 yellows and only 1 green on that site. Other than that received the 17" Samsung and need 1 more ref. for the desktop. Had 14 (yay 14) but gratis din't give me credit for 5 -( been looking for that 1 more for over a month now. and yea got 2 greens for the handbag .. maybe will complete that b4 next summer .. lol
27-12-2004 20:23:51
had excellent success with OC, now onto the photo
27-12-2004 21:55:39
I've gotten two so far. One from Tech4Free and one from Gratis. Im working on mp3players4free right now, i have 3 greens for that. D
28-12-2004 10:01:01
i got a 20GB from
i got a 4GB Pink from
i have 27 greens for, waiting for approval
29-12-2004 22:46:20
wow, so exactly what is your strategy?
I mean it seems like you have this perfected..
29-12-2004 22:49:05
people will never tell their secrets. although i would like to know to because it took me like a month to get 5 green and im trying to get more ipods. one for the girlfriend, sister, and ebay.
29-12-2004 22:53:06
Of course people won't tell you the secrets. Yah, 5 greens in a month isn't too bad, it took me awhile to get my greens (
29-12-2004 22:54:10
I agree 5 a month isn't too long thereafter did you receive it?
29-12-2004 22:57:44
i recieved it today. yeah i know 5 in a month is pretty good but i really dont understand how people like justinfreestuff have 27 green for the photoipod what is he doing that im not does he have a special arrangment with gratis ;)
29-12-2004 23:01:08
27 green for one site is excessive and other words...I'm jealous, share!
29-12-2004 23:02:32
[quoteef93306754="FreeOffersNow"]27 green for one site is excessive and other words...I'm jealous, share![/quoteef93306754]
Haha yah, you could get like 5 iPods for that amount of referrals. Of course with different websites, you lucky ass.
29-12-2004 23:02:50
haha... so wait exactly when did you begin this quest of yours, exactly a month ago, and if so what offers did you use?
I'm looking to get my first and id like to get ti as soon as possible so any input( i know now how taboo asking for input like this is) would be appreciated.
29-12-2004 23:06:02
i started Oct 24 applied for approval 11-17 got put on hold dec 02 got taken on and off hold 4 times. got manually approved on Dec 15 went STV Dec 21 shipped Dec 28 recieved Dec 29.
[quote2688d0ea2c="justinfreestuff"]i got a 20GB from
i got a 4GB Pink from
i have 27 greens for, waiting for approval[/quote2688d0ea2c]
Ok, if you are in fact telling the truth about the 27 greens, you must have your link on a porn site or something cause thats a hella lot of traffic...And judging by the 1970's carpet in your sig, you dont have porn biz money..
30-12-2004 09:10:02
hmm advertising on a porn site would be good
what about a porn forum?
30-12-2004 09:15:19
Look what you did everyone here is going to rush to their favorite porn forum and spam their link. (
30-12-2004 09:17:26
[quotefeae12a79b="FreeOffersNow"]Look what you did everyone here is going to rush to their favorite porn forum and spam their link. ([/quotefeae12a79b]
30-12-2004 09:19:09
[quote9956e0b969="FreeOffersNow"]Look what you did everyone here is going to rush to their favorite porn forum and spam their link. ([/quote9956e0b969]
lol... of course but these people just looking at porn all day need something else to do with their time, aka waste their time trying to get referrals -P
plus if we advertise the free iPod photo then they could store all their favourite porn pics on it and take it WHEREVER they go...
now that i think of it. that probably wouldn't be a half bad idea... (advertising the iPod photo)
30-12-2004 09:58:21
how did you get a 20GB and a mini from
isn't that against ToS? Aren't you legally allowed only one or the other?
30-12-2004 10:11:39
Him and his wife )
Drakier - Thank you for ICFreePod its very nice! Needs OfferCentric/PrizeCube/J&T Cooper sites as soon as possible though ) I realize OfferCentric isn't being very cooperative but what about PrizeCube/J&T Cooper?
30-12-2004 10:47:10
[quote564be08795="FreeOffersNow"]Him and his wife )
Drakier - Thank you for ICFreePod its very nice! Needs OfferCentric/PrizeCube/J&T Cooper sites as soon as possible though ) I realize OfferCentric isn't being very cooperative but what about PrizeCube/J&T Cooper?[/quote564be08795]
Someone at gearlive was/is working on a script for all part of QT I believe. Also, this will be my first pod from mp3players4free..coming next week )
30-12-2004 10:48:21
I thought the ToS stated specifically one per houshold/person/address/computer/etc... meaning if his wife lives with him, it isn't allowed. lishrugli either way.. just curious.
You're welcome for ICFreePod.. I'm not sure how soon I'm going to attempt any of the other sites. I don't really want to sign up for all of them to recieve more junkmail and get no rewards, and chances are none of them have webservices, meaning that I would have to do HTML scraping, and I HATE doing HTML scraping.
Part of the motivation behind the Gratis services is that they provide a WebService, and I was genuinely interested in their products. I'm not really interested in signing up for the other ones, especially as I said if there i no chance of me getting the product at the end. Lack of motivation I guess is the ultimate reason I haven't done it. As it stands right now, it would take me quite a long time to get the other sites implemented using HTML scraping, and I have a huge lack of "free-time" right now to do any dev work other than upkeep on my current stuff. To sit down and code out the OfferCentric alone would probably take me a few hours to get started, let alone tested and functional in the current ICFreePod framework.
This post is long enough, but I think you get the idea. I'm not saying I WON'T do it, but right now, its not looking promising within the really near future.
30-12-2004 10:51:49
Did you never get anything from gratis? I like the offercentric could always ask, doesn't hurt )
30-12-2004 10:55:03
So far, the only thing I've recieved from Gratis is the ipod. I'm half done with the GamingSystem as well, but I'm miles from any of the other ones.. flatscreen being the one I'm really interested in.
anyway.. as I said.. I'm not saying I won't do it.. just that I'm not sure when I'll have the time to do it. Its not like they really made it easy for me. And when contacted about trying to make it easier, they were less than cooperative. Which that has made me less inclined to do business with them in any way.
I'll see if I can get to it sometime soon. Work and school are keeping me way too busy =\
30-12-2004 11:16:33
Well, thanks anyways ) ICFreePod > PodWatch
31-12-2004 09:40:59
you know you're all jealous of my 70's carpet )
(actually it's brand new a year ago, it's nice!)