24-12-2004 17:20:13
woohoo! the owner must have just made 50k more!
24-12-2004 17:27:31
it looks legit...this guy twhite talked to the owner thru aim and lots of people have tlaked to the owner by filing tickets and asking questions+he has a forum where he answers questions ( )...but it just started up so nobody has gotten anything yet obviously...i did it and im almost done w/ referrals for my 300d
24-12-2004 18:03:23
the asterisks might have given it away...
24-12-2004 18:15:32
dude stop filling the forums with spam. You can tell us once.... we don't need to see it 5 times.
I can give you my aim and we can talk. Then if you deposit $50 in my paypal account I'll send you a 60gb iPod photo lol
24-12-2004 21:23:33
10th is there any reason u don't like believing in these newer sites?
24-12-2004 22:12:26
can somebody, just 1 person, send me a ref link for this so im not foinf it for nobody?
and especially with this website, when I read this
[quotee725c29df3]i filed a ticktd through my account to ask him, he claims to have over $70,000 from stocks and oddjobs. the reason he started up a site was because he "wanted to get in on the action before it was too late".[/quotee725c29df3]
I'm thinking that if I had 70k from stocks and oddjobs and wanted to make some more money I'd get some more stocks and oddjobs and wouldn't bother with a free deal on the internet. But let's say I'm just excited about getting people stuff for free (no joke, I've seen websites owners make that shallow argument to try and look like Santa). Even then, I seriously doubt I'd buy a script for $140 from some guy that has yet to prove he can run his own thing smoothly and spend my time on aim chatting up people so that they sign-up. I'd hire a bunch of professionals to design and maintain an original website, devise a sound marketing plan, provide real (that is human) customer support, take care of taxes, etc. I'm not trying to say everything the owner of that particular website says are lies, I do believe he "wanted to get in on the action before it was too late". But that's not the kind of action Gratis, OfferCentric and the Cooper brothers ('tech' sites) are into, it's an action you get into with less than a couple hundred dollars in your pocket and, at best, good hopes and intentions.
If there's a reason why I don't believe in this particular website it's the missing $69,800
And please note that it's not that I believe these websites wouldn't get me a free gift. I could get my needed referrals in no time, and being one of the first ones to complete the deals, I'd still have a chance to get a gift before they close because they ran out of money. I just don't like the idea that my own referrals wouldn't have the same chance to see a gift coming their way because the owners are out of money or resort to 'strange' crediting policy to avoid instant bankruptcy.
Now, if you don't care too much about the people who help you get your gift, go ahead quickly, because like the owners of these sites you should want to get into the action before it's too late.
25-12-2004 09:44:45
So there are offers on that legit site that don't require a credit card? What are they?
25-12-2004 09:45:45
[quote8e543abdd5="J4320"]So there are offers on that legit site that don't require a credit card? What are they?[/quote8e543abdd5]
? on ifreegear or?
25-12-2004 10:47:34
very nice l0th, very nice.