Article on CNN about ipods supply

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20-12-2004 15:58:24

Hey this is an article today on CNN about the short supply of ipods. That could be bad news for the next batch of STV's. Here is the link http//

Although i think we will be OK it still causes a little concern for me since i will be in the next batch.


20-12-2004 16:18:50

I just got my 5th credit and went processing today. LOVELY news, but i cant say i didn't expect it


20-12-2004 17:19:52

yeah well hopefully we will still go STV this week. Im shoting for the 23rd for us to go STV but that may be delayed.


20-12-2004 17:44:16

I was at CompUSA today looking at the iPod models, wanted to check out the Photo iPod. A couple were looking also, and asked a sales rep to buy a Mini iPod, then a regular iPod, and the guy pointed at a locked glass case behind the counter with 3 iPod boxes....3 60GB Photo iPods. And I think I know why...they're so expensive! Oh well...I'll check some other local stores too.