19-12-2004 19:54:08
hey there guys, quick question
i have not completed my own offer yet through a gratis site, my question is after you complete it on the offer page of the company you choose, do you have to go back and click on anything. I know on the offer-centric you had to click acknowledging that you have competed it and my guess would initiate the getting credit process.
please let me know asap!
thanks much
19-12-2004 20:00:35
10 people read the post and cant answer? hmm come on guys someone post quick
19-12-2004 20:04:52
I don't think so, i just completed my offer (video professor) and got instant credit. I had to do nothing after the order.
19-12-2004 20:07:28
thanks man, i was just wondering bc on the OC sites, had to go back and sign in and click saying you did it.
appreciate it +1 )
19-12-2004 20:27:11
that was an easy question 2 answer ppl are jus being shady
19-12-2004 21:18:14
You don't have to do anything after, and actually as far as I know the "I have completed this offer" button on OfferCentric sites is really just for user convenience, and doesn't submit any information. I could go look at the script and see but it wouldn't make much difference )
19-12-2004 21:21:29
Yea that makes sense as well, heck who knows;) thanks for the input though, thats what makes this forum great!