I think I made a mistake, and I hope I don't get penalized for it.
I believe I created two accounts from one computer on freeipods.com.
I didn't mean to, because I only want one account. I first signed up because I didn't know what I was doing. However, I never chose an offer to complete when asked.
Then I found out about the Conga lines, and decided that was how I should sign up -- using one of those referrals -- so I could get on the conga line. So I signed up again, changing my username and my email address. I also have not selected an offer to complete for this account either.
Now, I realize I made a mistake. Should I just use a different email address and sign up once more from my home computer and use that account?
Please help,
17-12-2004 09:00:04
I'm going to assume you're not lying, but you probably are. Clearly there is a feeling of disappointment when you hear about the all-mighty conga lines, but already have an account. Thus, the first thing that comes to mind is, "Hey, I'll just create another account and join the conga with that one." Anyhow, you shouldn't have any trouble but it looks like things are getting a bit more streamlined at Gratis so you may just want to let them know whats going on, and that you would like to cancel your first account (I don't believe this function is available online without the help of support). Better to be safe...
By the way, congas suck.
I guess I don't understand why you think I am lying. What would I have to gain?
But thanks for your help. How do I contact Gratis online support? That seems to be the best option.
Thank you
17-12-2004 09:38:41
What would you have to gain? Uh, an extra iPod?
if that's what I was after, I went about it the wrong way. I signed up with my real name and shipping address on both accounts.
I promise, I'm not lying. And I'm only trying to get one ipod by playing by the rules.
17-12-2004 11:21:08
signing up for 2 accounts on teh same computer is not a problem
however, using the same address for both could pose a problem
if the two accounts don't interact together (you don't sign up under eachother and/or complete offers together, etc.) then it probably shouldnt be an issue
i wouldn't worry too much
17-12-2004 13:03:09
FROM what i know gratis doesn't delete accounts. Either they can't or they don't want to.
But, if you just use of the accounts and leave the other one alone, then you should be fine.
17-12-2004 14:04:15
I would assume they have the capability to delete accounts, it is simply against their policy. I may have given you poor advice in saying you should tell them to "cancel" your first account, but you may still want to let them know that it was an accident, and you had no intention of having two accounts with them. As Dais said, as long as you leave the other alone, and don't participate in an offer on it, you should be fine.
18-12-2004 12:48:42
gratis should allow the deletion or cancellation of accounts.
it may even reduce the unnecessary support questions that they have to keep answering.
18-12-2004 14:08:30
but it also may cause more trouble than good