the "thank you, jake" thread
ok, so please don't flame this thread. if the mods can make sure it stays clean...I figure that jake won't come see us for a while but in case he does why not say a thank you for something he did for you? Not blowing smoke up anywhere, just as a kind gesture.
i will start.
jake, thanks for getting my ipod changed back from that purgatory of nothingness to processing -> shipped and in my pocket during the credit for not doing an offer fiasco
18-06-2006 22:54:22
The guy could take a joke, which to me, is everything.
If we never see him again, I wish him the best, but I'll leave the jakesignal on all the same. )
18-06-2006 23:49:48
omgz tholek u changed ur avatar. I don't recognize u anymore.
19-06-2006 00:35:05
I was feeling some scottish love, so I went back to McDuck. )
19-06-2006 07:25:19
Yeah, I have to say Jake was very helpful to me... Its very sad he is gone...
19-06-2006 08:41:12
Thank you for not getting my video ipod off of hold.
19-06-2006 09:00:17
I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. You're acting like he died.
19-06-2006 09:11:18
Well, he did help me...
but I can understand that some people aren't so happy with his services. Really, he was just doing the job the actualy customer service should be doing....
It is sort of funny of a concept that we should be greatful we had one hard to reach person doing actual customer service... when really every support ticket written should have recieved a similar treatment..
19-06-2006 11:04:34
Jake, what a good man. D
19-06-2006 11:08:24
[quotef28675445b="downthesun"]Thank you for not getting my video iPod off of hold.[/quotef28675445b]
[quotef28675445b="petezahut"]I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. You're acting like he died.[/quotef28675445b]
You two, stop threadcrapping. If you don't like Jake or Freepay, then feel free to post about it in the umpteen other Freepay bitch threads -- where you've already posted about it.
Somebody started this thread to post kudos to Jake, so let 'em alone.
19-06-2006 11:18:48

http//[" alt=""/img2cb5373998]
19-06-2006 13:02:27
Ok, how's this
I am so sad. I feel like there is a great big whole in my heart now that Jake is "gone." I don't know what I'll ever do with myself. Sometimes, I can't help but cry myself to sleep some nights. I just can't stop thinking of Jake!
19-06-2006 13:26:05
[quote4084352f12="petezahut2"]Ok, how's this
I am so sad. I feel like there is a great big whole in my heart now that Jake is "gone." I don't know what I'll ever do with myself. Sometimes, I can't help but cry myself to sleep some nights. I just can't stop thinking of Jake![/quote4084352f12]
I can do you one better. How about a 24-hour vacation for being a smart-ass?
19-06-2006 13:31:33
RIP jake never got to know you cry Thanks for all your help you brought to us
i blame history
19-06-2006 14:23:26
why do people enjoy threadcrapping and being total smart alecks? seems like a waste of good time to come here and to that stuff.
i am quite greatful for him changing my 'pending approval' status a looooong time ago on my ps3 account.
19-06-2006 15:56:33
Jake would be ashamed of all of you. There are some spelling and grammar mistakes soooo bad on here that it would make him leave this forum.... oh wait.....
that's one thing I liked about Jake. He was darn good at English.
common guys confusing whole with hole? two with too(you could have even used to!!)?
Aardvark Freak
19-06-2006 15:57:56
jake thanks for handling my support request in a couple days via pm when i had a support ticket at that had been unanswered for over a month.
now if only he could do something about my current support ticket that has been unanswered for 3 weeks...
19-06-2006 17:02:53
The man never made it all the way through [u45fa047b5d]Mein Kampf[/u45fa047b5d]. As far as I'm concerned, it was best for the site that he left. wink
19-06-2006 17:18:09
[quote157e29eb6d="ilanbg"]The man never made it all the way through [u157e29eb6d]Mein Kampf[/u157e29eb6d]. As far as I'm concerned, it was best for the site that he left. wink[/quote157e29eb6d]
There is actually no good reason to read Mein Kampf except so one could laugh at how retarded Hitler was. It's like reading LiveJournal archives... And no one can reasonably argue that reading LiveJournals is a good use of time.
Anyway, I'd like to thank Jake for telling us that we could get our PS3s for 8 referals if we'd already sent in the form. That relieved me of a LOT of stress =) Also, if you'd really like to thank him, delete your pending PMs to him if they aren't important so if/when he comes back he won't be so backlogged.
19-06-2006 20:00:50
[quote88710c48fd="dmorris68"][quote88710c48fd="downthesun"]Thank you for not getting my video iPod off of hold.[/quote88710c48fd]
[quote88710c48fd="petezahut"]I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. You're acting like he died.[/quote88710c48fd]
You two, stop threadcrapping. If you don't like Jake or Freepay, then feel free to post about it in the umpteen other Freepay bitch threads -- where you've already posted about it.
Somebody started this thread to post kudos to Jake, so let 'em alone.[/quote88710c48fd]
the two made me lol lol
19-06-2006 20:03:30
[quotead568e9823="akalic"]the two made me lol lol[/quotead568e9823]
What, you'd rather I said "U 2" ?
Jake, if you're reading this; I would like to thank you for all the help. I can only imagine how many PMs you get a day from all the other users on the board and yet you're still prompt to answer my questions and look into a few account issues for me.
This nug is for you

http//[" alt=""/img69f733bc8b]
20-06-2006 09:16:08
20-06-2006 12:06:44
This thread is a great idea.
Jake helped me in a lot of ways. He answered my PMs in a timely and professional manner. He also put a little humanity/personality to a seeminly faceless company.