16-12-2004 18:55:16
I have my five referrals!! (yay!)
The only thing now is for my offer to complete itself (Blockbuster).
I'm on day 7.
Hopefully I won't get put on hold for no reason because I made super sure that I didn't do anything incorrectly. Ah I'm so impatient.
16-12-2004 19:11:10
i hope all goes well with you bro
16-12-2004 19:25:32
argh... I still need 5 greens! And I am going on 4 months! Every forum I have posted in I get reprimanded for doing it. I just want an iPod. Why do the gods hate me so?!
16-12-2004 20:23:15
[quote644e050fad="geebs61"]argh... I still need 5 greens! And I am going on 4 months! Every forum I have posted in I get reprimanded for doing it. I just want an iPod. Why do the gods hate me so?![/quote644e050fad]
cuase your not respecting his name by capping it ^_~, anyways congrats to the OP!
17-12-2004 06:34:37
[quotedab6c84b80="CoMpFrEaK"][quotedab6c84b80="geebs61"]argh... I still need 5 greens! And I am going on 4 months! Every forum I have posted in I get reprimanded for doing it. I just want an iPod. Why do the gods hate me so?![/quotedab6c84b80]
cuase your not respecting his name by capping it ^_~, anyways congrats to the OP![/quotedab6c84b80]
<GrammarNazi> Actually, it's proper to not capitalize the word if it's referring to multiple. For example, he said "the gods", which is correct. Maybe he's not religious or his religion dictates that there are several gods (Hinduism is one religion that believes this). However, had he said, "why does god hate me?", he would have need to capitalize the word. </GrammarNazi>
I couldn't help it. oops The English major came out in me. ( I AM SO ASHAMED!
17-12-2004 10:00:51
technically, in Hinduism, there is only 1 god. Those who follow hinduism believe that there are many different [b017f8c0478]forms[/b017f8c0478] of this 1 god.
i recently read about this and thought i would clear up some things.
17-12-2004 10:54:31
[quoteeb776bcd66="zed2004"]technically, in Hinduism, there is only 1 god. Those who follow hinduism believe that there are many different [beb776bcd66]forms[/beb776bcd66] of this 1 god.
i recently read about this and thought i would clear up some things.[/quoteeb776bcd66]
Thanks. I was misinformed then, from my friend Nayan (she's American, but her parents are from India, and they're hindu, but she's not "practicing").
17-12-2004 12:12:12
going back on topic, i have four greens and i'm waiting for my friend to go green as he did blockbuster (plan to go green on the 23th of Dec.). In addition, I am waiting on my own offer as well... planned to go green on the 24th. so Redundancy, i know [b8a4c267b7e]exactly[/b8a4c267b7e] how you feel. I am anxious as well!
I leave to go back to school Jan. 15. I really hope that I get my iPod before then!
(think i will?)
17-12-2004 13:25:41
Yeah, my offer should be completed by the 23rd if all goes well. The days go by slowly now...
17-12-2004 13:54:24
lol @ the grammar nazi. you are almost always better off not getting into the argument of the capitalization of "god" and "gods" because there are so many variables. congrats to redundancy, I'm approved and processing )
19-12-2004 21:13:24
Eh? No congrats yet, I haven't gotten anything just yet. I got credit for blockbuster today. Now I wait for approval ) Everything "should" go well.
20-12-2004 07:41:49
[quote9dc303e286="FreeOffersNow"]lol @ the grammar nazi. you are almost always better off not getting into the argument of the capitalization of "god" and "gods" because there are so many variables. congrats to redundancy, I'm approved and processing )[/quote9dc303e286]
Hey, I was just going by the book! wink