15-12-2004 07:44:05
i went STV 12/13 and my ipod should get here 2day or 2morrow, i can't friggin wait, and my status still says STV on FIP.com but i do the DHL track by referance and this is what i get...

http//i.xanga.com/mandalovesme/shipped2.JPG[" alt=""/img61368b6b7b]
hells ya! gratis has gotten so fast, they dont even have time to update the STV status on everyones account, THIS RAWKS!!!!
15-12-2004 07:58:21
dont get happy and think its comming 2day because it says the 16th not the 15th good luck mine comes thursday
15-12-2004 08:16:23
shit one day is better than waiting a month like most people used to have to, most of them had to switch to hPods too, thank u gratis for changing to efulfillment!