XBOX 360 STV!! FINALLY!! Real STV, Not Gift Card STV
02-06-2006 14:15:49
02-06-2006 14:47:24
02-06-2006 14:53:22
but that post doesn't answer whether he went STV for the giftcard or the system. If he went STV for the system, that i would rather get the system than the Card. A response from Jake would be help, I don't like sending out support tickets
02-06-2006 16:13:40
You are the first I've heard of someone going STV who hasn't requested the gift card. (holding my breath...could it be true???)
02-06-2006 16:20:34
I am also STV For the Xbox 360 )
And I DID NOT order the gift card (didn't even ask about it)
Must mean the Xbox 360s are shipping out finally!!
Great news D
02-06-2006 16:25:43
yea looks like you might be one of the few getting one soon D
i just recieved this email from freepay
"We’re happy to report that 100 XBOX 360’s arrived in our fulfillment center today. Those customers’ with the oldest orders will be receiving notification next week. "
Lucky you dude! hopefully mine will be soon D
i blame history
02-06-2006 16:25:52
holy crap! me too!
no giftcard here, either. maybe freepay is going alright after all.
02-06-2006 16:26:13
What's your processing date?
Mines 9/2
edit nevermind, i just saw your signature P
i blame history
02-06-2006 16:30:44
[quote610a525975="oneill2004uk"]yea looks like you might be one of the few getting one soon D
i just recieved this email from freepay
"We’re happy to report that 100 XBOX 360’s arrived in our fulfillment center today. Those customers’ with the oldest orders will be receiving notification next week. "
Lucky you dude! hopefully mine will be soon D[/quote610a525975]
this is amazing news! i am not sure how i could be in that 100, because i placed my order in august, but maybe i am.... either that, or they have just placed all other orders and we are all in STV mode as of now. either way, i am quite happy about this situation.
of everyone who has placed their order, is anyone not STV for their 360 account?
02-06-2006 16:39:37
ok, so if i requested the Giftcard earlier, should i send a ticket saying that i want the system instead?
02-06-2006 16:44:28
Unless you ordered a REALLY long time ago, like 5+ months don't cancel the giftcard. You need to remember that they only got 100 XBox 360s and there are people who have been processing for like a year or something now, don't bother. Take the gift card and fork out the extra cash for the system if you really want it.
02-06-2006 16:46:41
maybe ur right, i mean, if it's defective, i rather take it to the store directly.
Than again, i don't want to walk out of Best Buy and people jump me because they see that i am carrying the system in my hand
i blame history
02-06-2006 16:54:40
i think by this point the bugs have been pretty much worked out. sure, with any product, things can mess up with specific systems, but i have not heard of anything even remotely widespread in for a while now.
02-06-2006 17:04:16
[quote77880372dd="mpbollywoodking"]Than again, i don't want to walk out of Best Buy and people jump me because they see that i am carrying the system in my hand[/quote77880372dd]
Well, I don't think you need to worry about that -- it's not like when they first came out. They're everywhere now, except for maybe Freepay. ;)
My 2 local Wal-Marts have had full 360 display cases for at least the last 2 months. Which is why it's all the more frustrating why Freepay isn't shipping before now. Not that I completed 360 -- it expired on me -- but I still feel frustrated for you guys when I've been seeing 360's in every store I walk into...
02-06-2006 18:08:31
i'm still questioning myself should i send a ticket about me wanting the system instead of the giftcard, because i am STV, and i'm confused on what i will get, since Freepay got 100 xbox360's
than again, did anybody else get this email?
nevermind, i recieved the email P
but, i'm still confused on what i will get, the card or the systems and still wondering whether i just inquiery about it with them, or Jake, if he is around
02-06-2006 19:21:12 5/24/2005 Sent to Vendor, Waiting on Product
02-06-2006 19:27:20
[b5af87360fc]EDIT[/b5af87360fc] I updated the title now that it seems this is the [i5af87360fc]real[/i5af87360fc] deal[/quote5af87360fc]
how do you know this??? I've been STV'd for a month now, after requesting the g/c from Jake, so, does this mean I am STV'd for the system now instead??
02-06-2006 20:27:41
we should get a bonus for waiting more then a year
congrats guys!
will i get my ps3 in june of next year )
02-06-2006 21:44:16
^ what I'm worried about... I was processing like 4 months ago. Then they DQ'ed a ref so now I've been processing for like 3 weeks. I'll probably get it like a year after it comes out.
02-06-2006 21:54:31
That's exactly why I didn't bother with a PS3 website with Freepay because it's one of two things either they are going to take ages to ship out the PS3s after the launch or they end up going under before the launch, in which case you get cash which was a waste of waiting in my opinion. Personally, I'm going to start a PS3 site as the launch nears.. it's a bit early to get one down now, but that's just me and my 360 even if I don't get a PS3 should do just fine.
03-06-2006 05:13:19
i swear to god, if ppl get the 360 before i get my GC, i'mma be pissed! (but congrats if you do!) ;)
03-06-2006 05:51:01
I second that, i will be pissed as well
03-06-2006 07:18:44
[quote922fc04570="iamzim"]i swear to god, if ppl get the 360 before i get my GC, i'mma be pissed! (but congrats if you do!) ;)[/quote922fc04570] seriously!
03-06-2006 07:43:42
[quote712eda4f25="iamzim"]i swear to god, if ppl get the 360 before i get my GC, i'mma be pissed! (but congrats if you do!) ;)[/quote712eda4f25]
i dont think it matters..we all have been waiting...the 360s have more priority over the GCs, because thats what we all originally were suppose to get...
03-06-2006 07:55:16
[quotec93a200904="junkie06"][quotec93a200904="iamzim"]i swear to god, if ppl get the 360 before i get my GC, i'mma be pissed! (but congrats if you do!) ;)[/quotec93a200904]
i dont think it matters..we all have been waiting...the 360s have more priority over the GCs, because thats what we all originally were suppose to get...[/quotec93a200904]
I'll agree and disagree. While I wouldn't have minded getting my 360 about 6 months ago, when I felt it was priority. Since the 360s have been READILY available on store shelves for quite some time, i feel that getting the product to the people by any means would be top priority, be it the actual unit or the giftcard so that we can go purchase it ourselves. We (people that have been waiting for the GCs) went STV almost a month and a half ago, and they (jake and customer service) told us we'd have them within 2 weeks. Which, to the best of my knowledge, passed us a long time ago. While I am all for them shipping out 360s, I am just puzzled at their business strategy of pissing everybody off!
03-06-2006 08:00:09
well either way its going to end soon for them...i'm pretty sure once everyone receives there items from Freepay they will be done
03-06-2006 08:05:32
I only want to know if the people that are currently in STV will get the g/c or the systems, because I honestly would rather get the system if they have their hands on a couple of 360's
03-06-2006 20:04:24
Man i been processing since feb of 05 and im still processing.
04-06-2006 11:11:30
I didn't sign up for this sight. But I'm happy for all of you. It's nice to see Freepay doing ANYTHING. I hope it's a first in many steps back to grade A status. One can hope.
Congrats guys.
04-06-2006 18:13:21
I never thought that TODAY would be the day hell freezes over...
04-06-2006 18:19:40
i send a support ticket about whether NOW i am STV for the g/c or the system, still waiting since last Wednesday
04-06-2006 21:47:37
9/28/05 gross.. that long.. JESUS
05-06-2006 08:08:48
well even though freepay are a bunch of scammers themselves... 9/28/05 isn't THAT gross when you consider that the system itself wasn't released until almost december AND one couldn't realistically get their hands on one until April. I believe, however, that this should have been coming about a month earlier, and to many more people.
06-06-2006 09:37:59
Just got my xbox 360 from FreePay today!!! I'm sure others will too. Shipped from Traverse City, MI. Can't wait to test it out D
06-06-2006 09:48:35
Thats awesome congratulations!
06-06-2006 09:54:51
Pics in the brag bag thread
06-06-2006 09:56:19
You have got to be flililiing Shlililiing me!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a complete load of BS!!!! People go STV over a month ago for some Giftcards, and they managed to get these systems out before a freaking DIGITAL SUPERCERTIFICATE!!! AAAHHH!!!
(but, again, congrats to the people that have FINALLY recieved their's about damn time!) whoever gets the system, could you please post what your processing date was(unless you already said so in this thread)??, so I can know if I just got totally screwed out of some 360 play time!
06-06-2006 10:11:37
[quote716e7bf8ff="iamzim"]You have got to be flililiing Shlililiing me!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a complete load of BS!!!! People go STV over a month ago for some Giftcards, and they managed to get these systems out before a freaking DIGITAL SUPERCERTIFICATE!!! AAAHHH!!!
(but, again, congrats to the people that have FINALLY recieved their's about damn time!) whoever gets the system, could you please post what your processing date was(unless you already said so in this thread)??, so I can know if I just got totally screwed out of some 360 play time![/quote716e7bf8ff]
It's in the brag bag thead
i blame history
06-06-2006 10:18:29
oh man! mine says shipped as well. i am assuming it will arrive today, as i am in dayton, but i am not sure. hopefully my dad was home to sign for it... i still have all my free stuff shipped to my parents house although i have been out of there since last september. i am too paranoid to change my address with any of the sites, so i keep the information consistant. heh.
06-06-2006 10:19:56
mine says shipped as says I wil get it tomorrow
What game should i get?
06-06-2006 10:30:46
[quotead893f53a8="i blame history"]oh man! mine says shipped as well. i am assuming it will arrive today, as i am in dayton, but i am not sure. hopefully my dad was home to sign for it... i still have all my free stuff shipped to my parents house although i have been out of there since last september. i am too paranoid to change my address with any of the sites, so i keep the information consistant. heh.[/quotead893f53a8]
Click the order number and you can see your tracking number.
i blame history
06-06-2006 10:31:47
[quote8fdd4aad79="n3il89"]mine says shipped as says I wil get it tomorrow
What game should i get?[/quote8fdd4aad79]
haha i lost hope in getting mine, so i stopped thinking about what game i wanted. i have $30 on a gift card for walmart, so i will probably end up standing there drooling in front of the case for an hour before i just cave in and buy call of duty or something.
ever the quick one, i figured out how to get the tracking number... should arrive tomorrow. i am glad, because i am not up for an hour of travel tonight.
06-06-2006 10:54:19
Awesome! Hopefully they can get all the people that have been waiting forever out of the way. Then on to people like me. I hope I get the system instead of the GC.
06-06-2006 11:04:05
i found out from CS that if you opted for the GC, you're going to get the GC, check out the 360 sticky for the response i got from CS.
06-06-2006 11:14:58
i am happy for all of you but i am really annoyed by this at the same time i have been processing since 6-13-2005 and i went for the giftcard to save waiting time and to see that they shipped the xbox before the giftcard is really pissing me off...but i do already have a 360 so congrats to all of you i just want my giftcard too
06-06-2006 11:26:31
Im in the same boat Stroid. I thought going to for the GC was the smart thing to do. I already have a 360 and I would just end up selling the one I get from freepay, so i figured the GC was the better option. Now I have been STV for almost a month and a half and still not a damn thing. I hope they pull through with the GC's .
06-06-2006 11:28:54
My xbox 360 will be delivered today, 6/6/6 ) I've been processing since July 11th 2005 and I didn't request the GC )
06-06-2006 11:57:40
I've been waiting since 7/11/05 too and I'm still STV.
06-06-2006 12:06:03
[quote2366784589="Flip21"]I've been waiting since 7/11/05 too and I'm still STV.
God...[/quote2366784589]Did you order the GC ?
06-06-2006 12:42:23
Here is the reply they gave me concerning whether people who requested the GC earlier is now STV'd for the GC or the system
[quote51c4001c0e]Thank you for contacting Freepay Customer Service. Due to you requested to receive the gift card instead of the xbox, we will send the gift card to your email address. The email regarding 100 xbox shipment will not apply to your case. Please be patient. Sincerely, The Freepay Customer Service Team[/quote51c4001c0e]
06-06-2006 13:26:23
Sounds fair to me. When the GC was offered I didn't order it, and if you order the GC you will eventually get a GC ...
Patience always pays off )
06-06-2006 13:40:19
when did you go into processing for the 360?
06-06-2006 14:15:42
[quote71c975a8d9="Sebring"][quote71c975a8d9="Flip21"]I've been waiting since 7/11/05 too and I'm still STV.
God...[/quote71c975a8d9]Did you order the GC ?[/quote71c975a8d9]
I had asked Jake to inquire. How is it that they're unable to get A GIFT CERTIFICATE? I piss gift certificates.
Just another feather in the cap of Freepay's endemic ineptitude.
I guess this is how they pay me back for getting about 80 more greens than necessary on the 5 Freepay sites I've ever done.
06-06-2006 14:18:29
[quote389b3aa7b2="mpbollywoodking"]Here is the reply they gave me concerning whether people who requested the GC earlier is now STV'd for the GC or the system
[quote389b3aa7b2]Thank you for contacting Freepay Customer Service. Due to you requested to receive the gift card instead of the xbox, we will send the gift card to your email address. The email regarding 100 xbox shipment will not apply to your case. Please be patient. Sincerely, The Freepay Customer Service Team[/quote389b3aa7b2][/quote389b3aa7b2]
That's asinine on so many levels. Freepay should've given users an xBox or a GC IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPROVED TO RECEIVE A GIFT. It's like going to a fancy restaurant, showing up four hours before someone else, but receiving your dinner after they do because you ordered the steak and said other person ordered the prime rib.
Nevermind, nothing with the word "fancy" in it should never be used in an analogy of Freepay.
06-06-2006 14:20:43
It's really no wonder Freepay is sinking into bankruptcy. They have complete morons running the company.
06-06-2006 14:57:27
just got my 360 frOm freepay
06-06-2006 15:01:48
06-06-2006 15:46:07
lol it shipped yesturday from MI and since i live close i got it today...yay for waiting a year and 2 weeks
06-06-2006 15:50:17
does ne one know if it comes with a free month
06-06-2006 16:08:15
[quote70687ca5d7="Flip21"][quote70687ca5d7="mpbollywoodking"]Here is the reply they gave me concerning whether people who requested the GC earlier is now STV'd for the GC or the system
[quote70687ca5d7]Thank you for contacting Freepay Customer Service. Due to you requested to receive the gift card instead of the xbox, we will send the gift card to your email address. The email regarding 100 xbox shipment will not apply to your case. Please be patient. Sincerely, The Freepay Customer Service Team[/quote70687ca5d7][/quote70687ca5d7]
That's asinine on so many levels. Freepay should've given users an xBox or a GC IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPROVED TO RECEIVE A GIFT. It's like going to a fancy restaurant, showing up four hours before someone else, but receiving your dinner after they do because you ordered the steak and said other person ordered the prime rib.
Nevermind, nothing with the word "fancy" in it should never be used in an analogy of Freepay.[/quote70687ca5d7]
Absolutely agree with everything you said.
Any why can't they get us our giftcards if we've ordered them so long ago? Go to freakin BBY or CC and pick em up. Geez.
06-06-2006 19:27:42
Fuck i been processing since jan of 2005 and i'm still processing.
i blame history
07-06-2006 07:45:38
score. according to DHL, my dad signed for the box less than ten minutes ago.
now i have to go spend money /