Everyone who was STV on 12/13

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4041


14-12-2004 10:50:03

Post in here and keep updated on your status...


14-12-2004 10:53:20

i was, i hope it ships soon


14-12-2004 11:22:26

Nothing yet...


14-12-2004 11:35:38

yeah dude, me too. I can't wait to get that thing!

I'll post in here if anything changes


14-12-2004 12:10:56

I'm in the group with you guys


14-12-2004 12:43:29

stv, ohio.


14-12-2004 12:44:32

hey turp did you get my PM need your advice


14-12-2004 13:18:02

I'm also in this latest STV group, i hope they get sent out soon.


14-12-2004 13:46:19

also in this boat


14-12-2004 15:14:21

I'm also in this group. I sent them an E-mail, and they had this to say

12/13/2004 53437 PM
customer service wrote
We are expecting this group of orders to ship in 1-2 weeks. When a tracking number becomes available, we will post it to your account.


14-12-2004 15:23:21

Tracked my order. It's been shipped estimated to arrive on the 20th. Here's the link


Completed (Processing) 12/7
Sent To Vendor 12/10
Shipped 12/14
Scheduled to arrive 12/20

WOW! They're getting much quicker than they used to be!!!



14-12-2004 15:37:49

i do the crazy tracking thing from DHL and mine is supposed to get here TOMORROW!


14-12-2004 15:41:49

holy shit mine worked to picked from shipper at 601 PM i'll keep yall posted GRATIS RULES


14-12-2004 15:48:59

man it helps that they're shipping for a place 3 hours from my house. I'm so excited. if i could i would tell them to keep it there and I'd come get it!


14-12-2004 15:53:22

i am now processing, i wonder how long till i am shipped to vendor and i receive it.


14-12-2004 15:54:51

ohh you mised the boat
i'd guess 2-5 weeks till it's in your hands.


14-12-2004 15:56:52

http/" alt=""/img26.exs.cx/img="26/525/shipped3de.jpg[" alt=""/imge4446eae7f]

^^^ 16th for me I cant wait!


14-12-2004 16:00:39

im in ohio, it says the 16th,


14-12-2004 16:02:57

HELL YA ME TOO STV 12/13, should be here on the 16th

http//i.xanga.com/mandalovesme/shipped%20baby.JPG[" alt=""/img7255116cd0]


14-12-2004 16:04:12



14-12-2004 16:05:26

they did very good....


14-12-2004 17:16:35

god im so fuckin happy, I tracked mine and its supposed to get here the 17th! The day of my last final - god I love life


14-12-2004 17:33:28

mine will get here befor the trip to my alchy grandma's and cleveland for an art expo
will save my life for the 10 hours of driving+80 hours of boredom


14-12-2004 18:46:43

Yep, Est. 16th )


14-12-2004 18:56:03

estimate dont mean thats the date..it can always come earlier ) which im hoping! cant wait lol


14-12-2004 19:02:32

if it gets to a DHL station ready to be placed on the truck a day early and isnt supposed to leave till the next day can i just call DHL and say ill come pick it up? i live right beside the damn headquarters i pass it everyday...


14-12-2004 19:25:51

[quotee9bf11a960="tommy2gunz"]estimate dont mean thats the date..it can always come earlier ) which im hoping! cant wait lol[/quotee9bf11a960]

Earlier would be sweet, since I'm estimated for tomorrow.... DHL has 1.5 hours to get here before it actually is tomorrow...

It's going to be so tempting to open the packaging, but I'm going to trade mine in + a little cash and the student discount for a 40gb. so tempting but worth the extra wait (well considering they let me do it at the apple reseller on campus...otherwise it'll be a couple days)


15-12-2004 07:10:25

YES, I checked the DHL tracking page and it says my ipod is coming today! I cant wait.


15-12-2004 09:02:54

AHHHHH! so I've been checking DHL's website, and then all of a sudden it said it was delivered, and I'm thinking, I'm the only one home, nobody came here. so i check all the doors, nothing. i call dhl and tell them the problem. well see there's another road in my town called exactly the same as mine, but the other road is what's know as "the student ghetto" and they just left my package at the front door, no signature, no nothing, in the freakin ghetto! so apparently the dhl person is going to go back and get it and bring it to me. hopefully it's still there! if not. I'm going to be pissed.


15-12-2004 09:51:40

holy shit, that really sucks, lol


15-12-2004 11:49:45

lmao about the student ghetto sucks for u


15-12-2004 11:56:30

well i finally got it!. but get this

Ok so turns out they didn't deliver it the ghetto, after numerous calls to customer service i found out that they delivered it to the street next to mine. Because hr thought it was the right street, i guess all the road signs that said the other street name didn't give it away. so he delivered it to that street instead, to a random house that had no address, because none of the others ones were my number, so by process of elimination he decided that was the right one. Then he just left it in front of the door, so i guess the big blue sticker that says signature required didn;t mean much to him either.

So i was pretty pissed off, but i finally got it. I'm so tempted to open it but since i want to exchange it i have to wait til i get to the other side of the state in a few days and goto the apple store.


15-12-2004 11:58:42

wow thats terrible! thats like really bad...