29-05-2006 23:30:40
As per the freepay T & C
"i. Complete at least one offer within 90 days of a new account signup and receive credit for the offer within that timeframe. A 30-day grace period may be extended for certain offers that require a longer duration to issue credit."
Now, this appears to me to be the type of thing lets say if my referral signed up for something earlier this week AND did an offer before today, then technically he should be allowed to be credited for this. This part of the T&C does not specify WHAT offer, but I would assume that it applies to any non-instant offers. (Some of you will say "it means credit card" but where does it say credit card or loan offers?). I have a feeling the freepay system will grant you any pending greens if the credit goes through. Send in your form and pray I guess.
29-05-2006 23:41:02
also...this "You have until 5/30" bullshit. EVERYWHERE I see that, it usually means that I have until the end of the day. What a bunch of horseshit. I'm done with this company if I don't even get my 8th ref counted for xbox360s...
My opinion of this is also this while yes, we agree to a terms and conditions, there's an element of liability, and you can NEVER sign away liability. Look at how freepay may not get many people approved by the end of next month. Look at them running away with $50 a ref or so because of a terms and conditions. there is a clear liability issue with the clarity of what "until 5/30" means, one with the people NOT in the eastern US time zone, and two, with the people who figured until the end of 5/30. Also, with the fact that they say right on any offer page "usually credits" or just plain "credits" within a specific time period. and finally the cases where someone with cookies enabled signs up , and doesn't even show up on the person's list, and freepay says they can do nothign about it.
These are problems with their system, both technologically, and administratively. This is a HUGE liability issue that will get them in major legal trouble as long as some of us can be courageous enough to step forward...
30-05-2006 06:00:41
anybody noticed that in the "Refer Friends" page, you don't see that section to email friends
30-05-2006 07:07:46
Once the day starts, it is officially 5/30
30-05-2006 08:02:56
well my other point still stands, the liability issue...the crappy crediting, the fact that not all offers credit when they say they do, the fact that I would have been done by now if 1 or 2 people who greened up actually showed up on my ref list. It's a load of horseshit and I'm calling my attorney general because of that alone.
If ONE FUCKING REF went through for me, ONE GUY that signed up, but didn't show up on my list when he clicked the link (and yes, i've clicked on links and they didn't show up on people's lists) I wouldn't be having this conversation. This is a clear liability issue and I'm done with freepay until I fill out all the freepay info on the forms Eliot Spitzer sends me.
02-06-2006 13:33:30
[quote35cbf04749="nobody2000"]As per the freepay T & C
"i. Complete at least one offer within 90 days of a new account signup and receive credit for the offer within that timeframe. A 30-day grace period may be extended for certain offers that require a longer duration to issue credit."
Now, this appears to me to be the type of thing lets say if my referral signed up for something earlier this week AND did an offer before today, then technically he should be allowed to be credited for this. This part of the T&C does not specify WHAT offer, but [b35cbf04749]I would assume [/b35cbf04749]that it applies to any non-instant offers. (Some of you will say "it means credit card" but where does it say credit card or loan offers?). I have a feeling the freepay system will grant you any pending greens if the credit goes through. Send in your form and pray I guess.[/quote35cbf04749]
i think if your ref signed up and did an offer before your deadline, they will give you that time to green. i read it in the new terms somewhere. i think this is what they consider "special circumstances." then again, i am not 100% sure (though i am pretty sure this is how it goes) and i am assuming like you are. i asked jake about this last time. he said he would talk to his uppers and get back to me, but he's been super busy since.
04-06-2006 10:26:36
you're's in the terms and I just noticed it today in the FAQs
I feel like an idiot. The freepay FAQs are very thorough, and probably answer 90% of what people make new threads about here!
04-06-2006 10:32:06
[quote2cdf323f7b="nobody2000"]you're's in the terms and I just noticed it today in the FAQs
I feel like an idiot. The freepay FAQs are very thorough, and probably answer 90% of what people make new threads about here![/quote2cdf323f7b]
seiously, no one reads the terms, so don't feel stupid. i try to read some of them when it's a new company mostly... then i get tired and like to assume they are all the same. haha