12/3/04 STV, got it today, 12/13!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4002


13-12-2004 10:06:40

Yeah Yeah Yeah. It's charging right now.

Began getting referrals in earnest on about October 24th. Requested approval on November 22nd, got approved and ordered on the 24th. STV on 12/3, shipped on the 8th and got it today via DHL.

Cool....now I am going to get one for my wife!


13-12-2004 11:34:12

i believe that you can only get one per account, am i wrong?


13-12-2004 12:27:37

You are only allowed one per household. Unless you get the photoipod. Read thier TOS for more info.


13-12-2004 12:41:41

just use a diff address and cc like i did for my wife

Mine In my hand
Hers Processing


14-12-2004 06:38:43

Yeah, I Too, was a Shipped 12/3 that was supposed to received my iPod yesterday. But I'm not mad, one day doesnt make a difference.

Some people are on hold and will never get theirs, so even If i get mine a day late, I'm not complaining.


14-12-2004 07:44:01

lots of people get 2 lol, my friend got 2 for the same address he just started the 2nd account on a diff email wen his first one was in processing and didnt go for approval until the other one went shipped


15-12-2004 08:45:24

greedy bastard, lol