17-05-2006 17:42:35
Someone close this thread... sheesh!! While I am pissed at what they did, I wouldn't sue the company. I certainly won't be recommending Freepay anymore, nor will I be doing any more of their sites for a lot of reasons.
17-05-2006 17:51:03
a law suit would OWN! Too bad lawyers are soo expensive unless your one or know one...
17-05-2006 18:01:58
Someone close this thread... sheesh!! While I am pissed at what they did, I wouldn't sue the company. [/quote0a29f7d7c3]
you are pissed at what they did.. well maybe you and I are in different boats.. Maybe I started their sites a long time ago, maybe I'm doing xbox 360, ipods, ipod nanos, ps3, pcs, flatscreens, and giftcards.. and maybe i had enough people do offers but they decided they wouldn't credit the last one on most of my accounts even when people send in manual credit reports, are told to wait, then still nto given credit, then you are supposed to fax in forms, but their fax number doesn't work, and you mail in your approval form, but for some reason the USPS has no idea how to deliver a letter without delivery confirmation to Freepay.. it got magically lost.. or maybe how i couldn't get my last referral on ipodnanos until the gift doubles as does the ref amount then i magically get my fifth green, or the same thing with my 8th green on ps3 and it going up to 12 or the fact they say that you have until such and such a date to do this and this but in reality you have no control over receiving credit, they have the control over that so they just don't credit when they don't feel like because the same guy that crushed Enron is now going to crush them.. or how about the fact Jake told us we were getting new PC selections on the pc site which i hadn't even started NOR did I intend to start until he told me that, which was a lie, so I've wasted my time getting 8 or so referrals for a PC that isn't worth 6 yet i still won't even get that PC that isn't worth 6 referrals because they aren't going to credit my 9th and 10th referrals especially since they can't receive the manual credit request through their website anymore because that worked too well and they were sending too many free gifts so now my friends can fax in their forms to an imaginary fax number and pray that some imaginary "worker" at freepay will receive the fax telepathically or something but even then if i send in the form and they actually acknowledge that they get it they will say that some of my referrals are bogus even though they've been green for like 2 months, why couldn't they go red during those 2 months, did they receive the money for the lead or not? Where is the accountability... IT IS CALLED FAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES AND IF YOU WON'T SUE THEM THEN YOU ARE THE REASON ASSHOLES LIKE THIS ARE ALLOWED TO OPERATE AND COME UP WITH SHIT LIKE THIS TO SCREW US IN OUR ARSE'S. SO LOCK THE THREAD, AND BAN ME FROM FIPG, BECAUSE I'M NOT AFRAID TO STAND UP AND WASTE A FEW HUNDRED BUCKS ON LEGAL FEES AND A DAY GOING TO D.C. TO DRAG THEIR ASSES TO COURT AND IF ALL I GET OUT OF THEM IS A FEW HOURS OF THEIR TIME THATS FINE WITH ME I'LL SETTLE FOR WASTING THEIR TIME, IT IS THE LEAST I CAN DO AFTER THEY'VE WASTED SO MUCH OF MINE IF THEY AREN'T GOING TO GIVE ME THE STUFF I WORKED SO HARD TO EARN. FUCK PETER MARTIN AND WHATEVER THE OTHER GUY WHO OWN'S THAT COMPANY'S NAME IS.. I'LL SIGN A PAPER SAYING FREEPAY OWES ME NOTHING IN EXCHANGE FOR ONE KICK AT EACH OF THEIR MAN-REGIONS. FUCK FREEPAY, LICK MY TAINT, I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL WITH THE REST OF YOUR GREEDY MOTHERFUCKING REPUBLICAN CIRCLE-JERK TWATS.
P.S. karma please )
17-05-2006 18:06:59
[quote6a5783dd23="zwarrior99"]a law suit would OWN! Too bad lawyers are soo expensive unless your one or know one...[/quote6a5783dd23]
there is a good chance whoever i contact to represent me would be interested in representing a larger number of people.. I'll have to ask them how that thing works, I am not a lawyer.
17-05-2006 18:49:10
http//[" alt=""/imgc47918d230] OMG [img="c47918d230]http//[" alt=""/imgc47918d230]
17-05-2006 19:03:48
It wouldn't happen regardless. Even though freepay should explode into a million peices..
17-05-2006 19:15:34
If you read Freepays Terms and Conditions, you realize that they can pretty much get away with anything. I am no lawyer, but some of these terms and conditions may be to broad in what they allow them to do, and that can sometimes make things, such as contracts and terms and conditions void. Also if some lawyers vue that there is big money to be won such as class action, they will work for 1/3 the final settlement. So wont technically cost any money.
17-05-2006 19:31:52
Pissed? Understandable.
But at the very least try to keep it civil. There's no need for 83 threads aobut how bad Freepay are, how many pounds of feces they should eat or the action you're going to take against them.
Chill your fucking balls and keep the discussion condensed in as few threads as possible.
Also (because I know ;this is what you're thinking), yes Freepay are paying me an unfathomable amount of money to lock these threads and cover up how bad they are. roll
17-05-2006 19:40:40
[quote19e00d538e="theysayjump"]Also (because I know ;this is what you're thinking), yes Freepay are paying me an unfathomable amount of money to lock these threads and cover up how bad they are. roll[/quote19e00d538e]
Lies. All lies.
Jake pays me in free XBox360's to lock these threads. Why do you think they haven't had any to ship out? ;) P