10-12-2004 06:03:50
Ok, so the Photo I Pod costs like 500 bucks right?
Does any one want to trade a ps2, a nintendo ds and some cash for my photo i pod? I really don't want it... other wise i'll be forced to sell it on ebay i guess. When it gets here of course
10-12-2004 06:05:27
[quote1a65924ed5="Jin_Roh_Ghost"]Ok, so the Photo I Pod costs like 500 bucks right?
Does any one want to trade a ps2, a nintendo ds and some cash for my photo i pod? I really don't want it... other wise i'll be forced to sell it on ebay i guess. When it gets here of course[/quote1a65924ed5]
Sell it on ebay, trust me, you'll make a grip.
10-12-2004 06:28:40
I guess I might have to do that...
10-12-2004 19:38:52
Nothin personal but I'm not sure how many people are going to send you 500 bucks of gear in a nonregulated environment (IE not an auction situation)
10-12-2004 19:52:59
[quote3364e526d3="Malkavian^C^"]Nothin personal but I'm not sure how many people are going to send you 500 bucks of gear in a nonregulated environment (IE not an auction situation)[/quote3364e526d3]
well i would if he has good heatware
10-12-2004 21:02:10
I'll be keeping mine, although it I've been considering doing the same in order to get a Delphi MyFi XM radio, unless Gratis is smart and offers one.... ;)
CoMpFrEaK, you need to add "
" before, and "[" alt=""/img]" after your sig link for it to show.
16-12-2004 08:23:32
Yeah i hope gratis offers free SIRIUS so we can get howard stern
16-12-2004 08:33:38
you can have my 133mhz win98SE packard bell computer
complete with monitor ;-)
Internet Ready! (ethernet card..)
16-12-2004 08:45:28
Got 2 PC's hopefully 3 if i ever get a chance to do the freepc offer
16-12-2004 08:50:12
you might want this antique, someday it'll be worth something, lol
17-12-2004 07:14:10
Maybe to a homeless guy...
19-12-2004 08:22:11
PM me...i dont have a nintendo ds, but im very interested in this deal. i am desperate for an ipod very soon. so hurry up ASAP and pm me!