15-05-2006 14:36:57
My wife wants a pebl, but I'd rather sign my life away to t-mobile for 2 years and pay $80 or whatever than go through the torturous waiting game I'm going through with my mac mini. Good new addition to their site, but with the new TOS it's just not worth it...
15-05-2006 15:27:21
I finished in a week but FP new policy is that you have to wait 30 days b4 you can send in for approval. Just waiting for that!
15-05-2006 15:59:54
DAMN! good for you, hopefully they don't change the tos again on you.
16-05-2006 09:25:23
approval forms go out tomarow ). Hopefully because hte site is new they will approve some of them.
16-05-2006 09:39:49
you have to wait 30 days before submitting for approval?? that sucks! (i haven't done anything since i finished my 360 in october) soon it's going to be...accounts will expire after 90 days...users must wait 120 days before submitting for approval....
16-05-2006 11:01:56
my mom's doing this site, she got put on hold for signing up under herself..
16-05-2006 11:58:38
i'd do it if they offered nextel phones.
16-05-2006 15:56:12
printed out my approval form. yay.