Has anyone recieved anything from freepay
11-05-2006 14:49:19
If you have received ANY product- ipod,giftcard etc. after the post 3 weeks ago saying from this point on THEY WILL ship product each week. Please post here, there are allot of STV's but has anything actually been shipped? If you have please post what you got and give the rest of us hope roll
11-05-2006 19:22:52
I wont be surprised if this is the only reply (
11-05-2006 20:02:56
according to the chart nothing has been recieved in the month of april and about a week in may too
11-05-2006 20:10:03
I've been STV on giftcards since april 19th...
11-05-2006 20:37:40
stv for laptops since apr 17th
11-05-2006 21:43:44
[quote298dfcf346="twoput"]If you have received ANY product- iPod,giftcard etc. after the post 3 weeks ago saying from this point on THEY WILL ship product each week. Please post here, there are allot of STV's but has anything actually been shipped? If you have please post what you got and give the rest of us hope roll[/quote298dfcf346]
one of my friends got their $300 giftcard last week. just so you know...
[quotef025334b93="parkers"]I wont be surprised if this is the only reply ([/quotef025334b93]
It would be the only reply if people would LISTEN!!!
He asked if anyone has [bf025334b93]RECEIVED[/bf025334b93] anything! If you are STV you HAVE NOT RECEIVED anything!
And, as for the "my friend got something". Hearsay! Did you see the gift card?! YOU did NOT RECEIVE anything!
Also, Does anyone believe what Jake says anymore? The last few positive "Freepay is alive and still workin'" posts have not been proven true! So what, they're approvin PS3 & 360 accounts. They won't be delivered til next year IF AT ALL! evil
They were always so worried about scammers and look what they've become.
12-05-2006 17:14:03
[quote0010f5a507="ch3d"]They were always so worried about scammers and look what they've become.[/quote0010f5a507]
I doubt that's what caused them to become what they are. There are most definetly other contributing factors. I'm kinda curious what they are.
12-05-2006 19:04:14
I doubt that's what caused them to become what they are. There are most definetly other contributing factors. I'm kinda curious what they are.[/quoted98c97bfc9]
It's called 10's, 20's and 50's
http//count-money.com/bundle.gif[" alt=""/imgd98c97bfc9]
12-05-2006 21:09:56
You need to magic wand that. )
13-05-2006 09:06:59
[quote0abe3275f9="Tholek"]You need to magic wand that. )[/quote0abe3275f9]
Im too lazy, lol
13-05-2006 10:07:36
I got a 500$ supercertificate from them april 12th for pcs.freepay.
13-05-2006 12:46:11
Aside from giftcards it doesn't seem like they have sent anything in forever, what happened to that weekly amount thing??? The longer this is taking the more bummed I am getting that I will never see my 360. I am going to hear so many "I told you so" comments that my ears will bleed. And to think I got rid of my xbox in preparation...and now have nothing to pass my time other than read this forum and get further depressed.
13-05-2006 13:06:46
[quotee12e6d5cfe="jeff7602"]Aside from giftcards it doesn't seem like they have sent anything in forever, what happened to that weekly amount thing??? The longer this is taking the more bummed I am getting that I will never see my 360. I am going to hear so many "I told you so" comments that my ears will bleed. And to think I got rid of my xbox in preparation...and now have nothing to pass my time other than read this forum and get further depressed.[/quotee12e6d5cfe]
they have lied countless times.. wheres that pc update that was promised to come how many mondays ago? you are a fool if you start doing any of their sites again.
13-05-2006 14:21:31
I got a $400 supercertificate from them about 3 weeks ago, I havent heard of anybody getting an actual product from them for a while.
13-05-2006 14:44:39
Those FEW Giftcards went out BEFORE THEY COMMITTED (4-17)to ship a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF PRODUCT to those in STV limbo each week.On this promise it is apparent by the lack of reply's on this post that they have agin lied! And management who is fearful of users committing FRAUD is involved in a attempt to withhold from us ALL what we have earned,been approved on, and ordered,some of us 6 months or more ago!!! Come on freepay MAN-UP and HONOR your word! I belive Jake is doing his best but he may be the only one.
Question to those who got approved
[b955e818824]Does the new Freepay e-mailing system e-mail you when you get approved?[/b955e818824]
I check my account for approval everyday since before they didn't send you an e-mail before and you had to place order and so on.
13-05-2006 22:59:25
[quote5906a157d6="mr0x"]Question to those who got approved
[b5906a157d6]Does the new Freepay e-mailing system e-mail you when you get approved?[/b5906a157d6]
I check my account for approval everyday since before they didn't send you an e-mail before and you had to place order and so on.[/quote5906a157d6]
I asked a few people who got approved recently, they all said no, but had
yahoo.com domains, so it coulda gotten throw in the junk folder.
13-05-2006 23:03:33
I have yahoo and every email they've ever sent me has gone to my inbox.
13-05-2006 23:07:33
Alright then, I guess there's a solid no to my last post.
14-05-2006 16:18:52
I got my $400 best buy gift cards for the 360 about 2 weeks ago, or so....
15-05-2006 22:04:12
Man I just finished up macmini's, digi cams and gaming systems, working on about 3 others right now. i really hope i get my stuff, i've spent a ton of money and time getting those refs and to all go out the window would make me cry.
16-05-2006 11:02:27
freepay just sent me a dildo, a little late for mother's day, but my mom will still enjoy it.
16-05-2006 11:58:06
16-05-2006 12:20:03
every day i check my order with a tiny bit of hope that it will magically be changed to shipped.
16-05-2006 16:45:26
sweet! yesturday i got a notice from dhl, and today I got a flaming bag of dog shit from freepay! Just what I always wanted....
p.s- lol, EatChex89, nice.
16-05-2006 18:31:26
I got approved today.. and it was less than a month, go me? But, hopefully they pull up their socks soon and get the ball rolling, it would be nice to seem some change in status for those of you waiting for so long now. On top of that, I'm crossing my fingers that I have my PSP by the of June, who knows.
17-05-2006 09:21:04
i went from STV to processing today, looks like its actually going to ship soon.
edit back to STV again.
17-05-2006 13:28:37
I'm at STV (for the first time) today and people over at Anything4free.com forums are saying they are getting iPods (not premium) delivered overnight via DHL.
17-05-2006 14:03:03
fatejd, what did you go STV for? the ipod Site?
17-05-2006 14:58:58
Premium iPods
17-05-2006 15:27:41
I WAS STV on April 24th and have been until I checked today, which now says Processing, of which I have been since processing since Feb. 2nd. I PMed Jake the other day asking why I was in STV for so long and he said a lot of people have been like that. I look today and I'm back at Processing. Is there really any difference between STV and Processing these days? Something fishy going on...
17-05-2006 15:35:55
It really does seem fishy, possibly some systemwide refresh of everyone's account. Especially since some people are actually receiving iPods from DHL. Maybe we could expect something like this everytime a shipment goes out?
17-05-2006 16:38:23
Tomorrow it will have been one month since I placed my order on giftcards.freepay and still havent received it.
19-05-2006 14:07:03
people are getting giftcards, anyone else get anything other than giftcards?
19-05-2006 14:21:30
I got my premium ipod yesterday
24-05-2006 06:38:50
I got my N2010 Flatscreen yesterday. Approved on @ 4/28 and arrived 5/22. I am still STV on the website.
28-05-2006 08:16:20
Only 2 people reporting shipments in 17 day's,This doesn't look good!Come on frepay ship what YOU OWE US! Approvals mean NOTHING if you don't SHIP ANYTHING.