Recharging the ipod
I just got my iPod on Monday and I was curious about what is the best way to charge it. When I've been using it so far, I hook it up to a power source whenever I'm back at my computer, so it usually just gets down to about 70% charged before I recharge it. Would it be better to just use up the battery completely every time before I recharge it, or does it matter?
08-12-2004 07:49:52
with these batteries it is best NOT to let it run all the way down, only let it run all the way down so the battery meter can recalibrate itself -- maybe do this once every 1-2 months
08-12-2004 07:56:31
Good info. Do you know how long I should charge it when first coming out of the box? The reason I ask is I know that some things need to be charged for a while for the first time. Thanks. + Karma
08-12-2004 08:00:38
Manual? If you don't get a sufficient response here, you can always check out the forums...they might be geared more towards the actual operation if the iPods whereas we are not
08-12-2004 08:02:31
Yeah I dont have a manual but I just recently learned I should be getting one tomorrow =)
08-12-2004 08:07:28
There ya go, charging instructions should be outlined in a somewhat straightforward manner there
08-12-2004 08:21:24
i always thought running the battery down was the best option. I'll check out the manual and the apple forums for more info.
08-12-2004 08:24:19
more info can be found here
08-12-2004 08:51:48
even more info
[quote6f69d67a4d="Apple Support from website"]
You can disconnect and use iPod before it is fully charged, [b6f69d67a4d]and you don't have to wait until it's completely empty before charging it again.[/b6f69d67a4d] A battery icon in the top-right corner of iPod's display shows how much charge is left. If you connect iPod and the battery icon does not animate, its battery is fully charged. [b6f69d67a4d]Lithium-ion batteries, such as those used in iPod, have none of the memory effects seen in nickel-based rechargeable batteries.[/b6f69d67a4d]
The battery stops charging when it's full. You can leave it plugged in overnight, for example. Leaving your iPod connected all the time doesn't continuously charge it. Once the battery is full, disconnect iPod.
Thanks for the info. I love how they call it "iPod" without using "the" or "your," as if it's a name or a person.
xXx My Story xXx
08-12-2004 14:44:00
[quote7c74581f83] Leaving your iPod connected [/quote7c74581f83] ?? P
08-12-2004 16:27:44
They almost reference it as a Robot of some sorts. You can unplug iPod and he will still clean your room.... ) Anyways, on my 3rd gen 30gb I just charged it when I needed to but I noticed that I got better performance when I ran it down and charged it all the way back up. This shouldn't be confused with the fact that you need to run it all the way down as in crawling on it's last leg, just reaching a larger scope of it's cells.
09-12-2004 08:04:32
The Ipod comes partially charged. It says it is 80% charged after 2 hrs and fully charged after about 4 hrs. It charges off the USB/Firewire connection so once you connect it to your computer to format and load songs it will start charging.
09-12-2004 09:48:51
does anyone else think iTunes is a piece of shit?
-iTunes Library does not update by itself after I add new mp3s to the mp3 directory...
-how do I transfer just the new mp3s that I've added to my computer?
-program takes forever to start up!
09-12-2004 11:56:44
ehpod is pretty cool, but does anyone know how to sort your ipod to have the songs where you want them? it has something to do with syncing, correct?
09-12-2004 13:04:51
[quotea0186fe57f="zed2004"]does anyone else think iTunes is a piece of shit?
-iTunes Library does not update by itself after I add new mp3s to the mp3 directory...
-how do I transfer just the new mp3s that I've added to my computer?
-program takes forever to start up![/quotea0186fe57f]
hit add folder, it knows wich files have changed sing you last loaded them and will update.
i always have itunes running because im a music whore.
about the recharge
#6 Question Do I need to completely empty the battery before charging it, and does doing this prevent the so-called "memory effect"?
Answer You don't need to empty the battery before charging it. Lithium-based batteries, like those used in iPod, have none of the memory effects seen in nickel-based rechargeable batteries.
Dude, iTunes is by far the best music program out there if you know how to use it. If it takes that long for you to load, you either have a slow computer or one that is wracked with spyware and other shit, which wouldn't surprise me.
09-12-2004 17:21:56
[quote1dbe1cd6b2="r2d2_unit"][b1dbe1cd6b2]ehpod [/b1dbe1cd6b2]is pretty cool, but does anyone know how to sort your ipod to have the songs where you want them? it has something to do with syncing, correct?[/quote1dbe1cd6b2]
its actually called [b1dbe1cd6b2]ephpod[/b1dbe1cd6b2], and thats what i use simply because Itunes wont work on my windowsME system... but it is definetally a great program, i would recomend it any day
09-12-2004 19:28:36
why do you guys say its a "great" program?
it doesn't even auto-detect new songs....kazaa and limewire even did that, and those are free programs.
also...does it do anything special that i might be missing out on?
09-12-2004 19:48:33
detect new songs?
this is a feature very useful for pirating
apple doesn't support pirating you dumbass.
if you rip a cd or something it works.
10-12-2004 08:11:26
and you said kazaa and limewire do it and those are free... do you think itunes and ephpod costs money?
10-12-2004 10:16:03
[quote27a9c86c51="turpentinedreams"]detect new songs?
this is a feature very useful for pirating
apple doesn't support pirating you dumbass.
if you rip a cd or something it works.[/quote27a9c86c51]
detecting new songs in the directory YOU specify has NOTHING to do with pirating.
i ripped a couple of CDs and they didnt load into iTunes automatically.
apple makes money off of people buying mp3s through iTunes...kazza and limewire dont make money in this same fashion and thus prob dont employ as many people as apple does. with so many people working on a product, why does it lack certain features?
think before you start talking...dumbass.
10-12-2004 10:22:27
You may want to remember that KazaA is loaded with malware, and iTunes is not. I for one would rather have to manually add songs to iTunes (though I've never had a problem when i rip the CD through iTunes) than have to worry about all of the crap that comes with KazaA. Just my $0.02
10-12-2004 10:24:52
i dont use kazaa either and i also dont rip my CDs through iTunes...but i'm ripping the songs into the same directory that iTunes is loading my library from...i figured the program could detect the new mp3s in that directory.
so, iTunes doesnt load mp3s into your library automatically unless you rip them with iTunes.
10-12-2004 10:29:13
NEVER use kazaa...thats what kazaa lite is for )
I don't believe it's available online anymore, I have the setup for it tho D
10-12-2004 12:25:55
i used to use kazaa lite also. switched away from that now though. the kazaa network had too many bad/corrupt files on it.
10-12-2004 23:08:54
[quote80e84eb32f="FreeOffersNow"]NEVER use kazaa...thats what kazaa lite is for )
I don't believe it's available online anymore, I have the setup for it tho D[/quote80e84eb32f]
Good ol' Kazaa Lite.. The Kazaa network minus all the spyware and bullshit.. Ya gotta love it..