17-04-2006 10:43:58
I found this @
17-04-2006 10:49:59
And what the fuck does a petition do?
I wonder sometimes if people think. You really thik my getting a few hundred signatures Freepay would change something around
17-04-2006 10:59:42
Sign if you want...but it will change nothing.
17-04-2006 11:51:00
Don't sign it! I heard that petition was actually set up by FreePay as a way around their Privacy Policy violations P
Just kidding, or am I? It's been a long Monday... (
17-04-2006 12:04:30
waste of time...
just start using different networks now..
that's all you can really do.
17-04-2006 12:07:21
Yea. ill hold on from freepay for a while after i get my 360 or gc's but i still have faith in them with turning things around.
They really just need to revamp thier buisness plan and fall back onto what worked for them in the past and learn from past mistakes. Most companies fall in a rut and most pull themselves out. Im pulling for them and hope they can prove people wrong in the future
17-04-2006 12:08:31
yea my first freebie (ipod) was from them. And I know that when they're good they're bar none excellent. I just hope that we can get back to those times again.
17-04-2006 19:12:40
No one cares about petitions, especially online petitions.
17-04-2006 20:01:17
[quote115cde61c4="tylerc"]No one cares about petitions, especially online petitions.[/quote115cde61c4]
18-04-2006 15:50:18
The petition is really retarded anyway.
[quotef840c231be="Retarded Petition"]Recently, Freepay (also known as Gratis Internet) changed their Terms and Conditions on all of their sites. The new Terms state that after signing up, you will have 90 days to complete all of the requirements for your free gift.
Members around the world are outraged by these changes. For example, the laptop Freepay site requires alot of referrals, this will be very difficult to complete within 90 days.
[bf840c231be]Please sign the petition and Freepay may listen.[/bf840c231be][/quotef840c231be]
Listen to what? All the petition did was restate Freepay's terms (FreePay already knows their own terms, stupid people) and then say that people are upset at this (uhh.. duh?)
So what is FreePay supposed to listen to?
It seems the Petition writer forgot to put in any demands. Signing this petition would be futile.
18-04-2006 16:04:37
lol, so what is everyone that signs this going to do if freepay doesnt change anything? come on, its not like you can stop payment on your order. its practically free. gimme a flippin break.
19-04-2006 07:16:04
[quoteb1194a4af3="ffactoryxx"]Yea. ill hold on from freepay for a while after i get my 360 or gc's but i still have faith in them with turning things around.
They really just need to revamp thier buisness plan and fall back onto what worked for them in the past and learn from past mistakes. Most companies fall in a rut and most pull themselves out. Im pulling for them and hope they can prove people wrong in the future[/quoteb1194a4af3]
That was an 8th grade answer if I've ever heard one...