credit card offers no good?
19-09-2004 18:02:02
This question has kind of been asked... but I signed up for the ebay credit card about 2 weeks ago, and of course haven't received credit. Then I signed up for InFone a couple of days ago and didn't get credit for that either. So did the InFone possibly not work since I'm still waiting on the credit card offer to go through? I'm using IE 6 and Norton Internet Security if that makes any difference.
I'd really like to get my credit since I already have 5 completed offers. Never imagined I'd be the one holding me back from a free Ipod.
Anyone else experienced this problem?
19-09-2004 18:03:43
Why the hell did you sign up for 2 offers? U only need 1. Norton might have something to do with it
19-09-2004 18:12:53
Well, did you receive, activate, and make a purchase on the new credit card you signed up for? (You have to do all of those to receive credit, which is why it takes quite awhile for credit card offers to be credited to your fip account).
If you've done all of the above, have you contacted Gratis through their customer support form and requested manual credit yet?
You should disable your internet security anyway while doing the offers -- I don't know what exactly they use to track/log/confirm you as you're completing them, but certain applications have been suspected of causing difficulty with getting offers credited properly.
19-09-2004 18:16:06
[quotec04adb1a5f="hacktek"]Why the hell did you sign up for 2 offers? U only need 1. Norton might have something to do with it[/quotec04adb1a5f]
I signed up for the second one because I didn't want to wait for the credit card offer to go through.
[quotec04adb1a5f="ipodsforfree"]Well, did you receive, activate, and make a purchase on the new credit card you signed up for? (You have to do all of those to receive credit, which is why it takes quite awhile for credit card offers to be credited to your fip account).[/quotec04adb1a5f]
No, I haven't received the credit card yet. So should I disable Norton and sign up for a 3rd offer? If so, now that I can't do InFone, what should I sign up for?
19-09-2004 18:18:44
No, I haven't received the credit card yet. So should I disable Norton and sign up for a 3rd offer? If so, now that I can't do InFone, what should I sign up for?[/quote4280d0b6e0]
[b4280d0b6e0]NO[/b4280d0b6e0]. Wait until you receive the credit card, activate, and make a purchase with it.
19-09-2004 18:21:58
No, I haven't received the credit card yet. So should I disable Norton and sign up for a 3rd offer? If so, now that I can't do InFone, what should I sign up for?[/quoteada3d7d325]
[bada3d7d325]NO[/bada3d7d325]. Wait until you receive the credit card, activate, and make a purchase with it.[/quoteada3d7d325]
Dammit. Guess I'm waiting then. Thanks for the help.
19-09-2004 19:07:07
Are you sure you have to make a purchase on the card? When I was deciding which offer to try I seem to remember it only saying I had to sign up and get approved. Which ones do you have to make a purchase on?
19-09-2004 22:10:42
I wonder what happens if you don't get approved? I guess once I got a denial letter, then it might be safe to try another offer? (Given I already tried to do the InFone offer and never got credit.) What do you guys think?
20-09-2004 09:40:28
New idea... what if my problem had nothing to do with my original credit card offer (which was denied per the letter I received today) and had everything to do with Norton Internet Security? Could I cancel my account at InFone and then resign up for it without Norton running? Or will it just create more confusion and difficulty?
20-09-2004 09:47:21
You can't sign up with infone twice, that'll get you put on hold. I'd just try another offer... like Blockbuster or something.
20-09-2004 10:34:41
i did the infone offer yesturday for FFS and i got the credit recieved email before i got the email from infone with my login info.
20-09-2004 10:41:48
[quote5ab626a00e="calvinj23"]i did the infone offer yesturday for FFS and i got the credit recieved email before i got the email from infone with my login info.[/quote5ab626a00e]
Me too
20-09-2004 12:41:52
[quote4d904cbf1e="calvinj23"]i did the infone offer yesturday for FFS and i got the credit recieved email before i got the email from infone with my login info.[/quote4d904cbf1e]
Definitely never got that email from freeipods.
20-09-2004 13:46:43
AHHH! I'm getting ancy with my five referrals just sitting there waiting. I don't want to wait on Gratis to email me back about my problem.
What's second best to Infone and doesn't cost anything?
20-09-2004 15:49:37 or Blockbuster are both good. is instant and gives you a four week trial period before you have to cancel. is instant and you have two weeks to cancel, although when I called and cancelled today she wanted to extend my trial instead. I just told her that yes, I DID want to cancel, and that was that.
Oh, PS - I would NOT wait for the credit card offer to complete. That takes WAY too fucking long.
03-10-2004 17:24:41
[quote4fef0e8c6d="Relik"][quote4fef0e8c6d="calvinj23"]i did the infone offer yesturday for FFS and i got the credit recieved email before i got the email from infone with my login info.[/quote4fef0e8c6d]
Me too[/quote4fef0e8c6d]
03-10-2004 17:30:55
Hahahaha...DAMNIT! oops O
Let me rectify this situation! muahaha