02-12-2004 10:03:42
Just got an email, stating that I got credit for Blockbuster. I signed up on the 11th, and am still a member. Gratis was fast w/ my credit request form! Be patient, I guess if you still haven't gotten yours. That's what I did.
02-12-2004 11:10:25
question when it says reply in an email ... did you just copy and paste the blockbuster email in the form?
02-12-2004 11:20:59
Yes, in the follow up section. I just copied and pasted that confirmation email from Blockbuster. I only did this on Tuesday and got the email today stating I completed the offer. So just make sure to copy it and you should be fine.
xXx My Story xXx
02-12-2004 12:59:18
Thats the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. You are happy cuz u took 3 weeks? Real Rhapsody took 6 days, and even my Blockbuster took 1 week. This is already long compared to the next day credit Offercentric is pimpin. )
02-12-2004 13:14:22
Offercentric isn't always so quick.
It took them over two months to credit me for my Blockbuster offer. I had to email them twice.
None of my referrals that have completed offers have gone to green yet, either, and it's been at least a month for three of them.
02-12-2004 13:15:41
[quote0f11b91206="xXx My Story xXx"]Thats the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. You are happy cuz u took 3 weeks? Real Rhapsody took 6 days, and even my Blockbuster took 1 week. This is already long compared to the next day credit Offercentric is pimpin. )[/quote0f11b91206]
Not every offer gets next day credit on OfferCentric. My Netflix took about 3 weeks, after 3 emails were sent to them about getting credit. Finally worked.