How reliable is Gratis?

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xXx My Story xXx

01-12-2004 15:44:45

Seems that everyone who signs up nowadays has but put on hold randomly, and there is no way to talk to the representatives. There is also an insane wait time. so what is the percentage of people actually making it? like 50% maybe? I prefer offercentric to gratis because of offer completion credit times (2-3 days for mostly all compared to 2 weeks minimum), speed in shipping, and customer service. most of you know, that with Gratis, get on hold ,and pretty much GG for ur free ipod. However, if you use the FAQ/question option with OC then youll get a response within 24 hours (human and 24 hours ALL THE TIME). Also......FIP is getting too stingy. I mean the cash offer is 250 dollars while OC offers 275. I would take OC due to the variety, speed, and friendliness anyday. So if u like hassle and relying on testimony of like 5 months back when there wasnt a surge on FIP yet, then go ahead.