so i, and many of you, have been ragging on freepay a lot lately. not saying if it is justified or not, just wanted to mention something positive. HOLY QUICK SHIPPING! STV wednesday, ship thursday, get friday.
thanks freepay )
02-04-2006 13:19:13
been around for a while
not really new news
02-04-2006 13:56:57
Yeah, they have always had great shipping times for me.
well, right. just wanted to say something positive )
I've been STV for 5 days for the GC... I still haven't received anything. Some people have been STV for this for 2 weeks with no e-mail. They are lagging behind in my opinion.
02-04-2006 20:09:29
[quote66aaf20915="h3x"]I've been STV for 5 days for the GC... I still haven't received anything. Some people have been STV for this for 2 weeks with no e-mail. They are lagging behind in my opinion.[/quote66aaf20915]
no.. they are lying again.. they said once you go stv you get an email shortly after.. once again, we are in the process of waiting and waiting for something that may never come. i thought this was actually a real positive move by freepay.. but now they are handling it like shit and ruining a potential good thing.