29-11-2004 16:38:32
Ok i lost my credit card and they say its gonna take about 2 weeks to make the new one, I CANT WAIT THAT LONG, cause i just finished completed pvp4free and mp3players4free and i need the cc to complete my offer. Anyways, can you get your cc number in any way w/ waiting for it to be made again, and is there a way to like get a paypal debit number? without ordering a paypal debit card cause that will take 2 weeks.
29-11-2004 17:36:37
you can get a credit card number from paypal, but you have to have added a credit card to you account. If you have, log in & go to https//
29-11-2004 17:46:58
[quote83e35d08f2="Oldfashionedhussy"]you can get a credit card number from paypal, but you have to have added a credit card to you account. If you have, [b83e35d08f2]love in[/b83e35d08f2] & go to https//[/quote83e35d08f2]
Love In, Haha lol