15-03-2006 08:48:07
Okay I had 2 refs DQ as some of you know but I still have 9/8. I was not approved for the PS3 yet and I asked why if they had checked my account. Here is the customer service response...
3/15/2006 114408 AM
customer service wrote
We receive dozens of redemption forms on the day to day basis. Please continue to check your status page to see an update on your approval status. You were not approved because you need ten referrals not nine.
Did they up the referrals needed because my page still reads Need 8 referrals to sign up. My page still reads 8 referrals required, what does everyone elses say?
Here's a screenshot
15-03-2006 09:09:19
Is customer service crazy? I just needed to ask that...
3/15/2006 120414 PM
customer service wrote
According to our records we do show that you referred nine referrals when you only needed ten. THank you
3/15/2006 115409 AM
egyptianruin(a) wrote
Thanks for your response, hopefully you will see I only NEEDED 8 referrals and I have 9!
3/15/2006 115334 AM
customer service wrote
We have received your inquiry and will respond via a reply post in your account as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
3/15/2006 115334 AM
egyptianruin(a) wrote
Um hello... 3/15/2006 114408 AM customer service wrote We receive dozens of redemption forms on the day to day basis. Please continue to check your status page to see an update on your approval status. You were not approved because you need ten referrals not nine. The PS3 Site reads To get your FREE PS3, 8 of your referrals must sign up and complete an offer. So far 9 of your friends have done so. I HAVE completed the requirements, I have sent in three forms beginning March 2, 2006 and I HAD submitted for approval PRIOR to the new TOS went into affect but thought I should send in the form anyway. Once again, why was my account not approved when I had the REQUIRED amount of referrals (8) PLUS some (1 more) This was even AFTER 2 refferals went grey. PLEASE RESPOND.
15-03-2006 09:32:29
Shit is getting ridiculous over there
15-03-2006 09:53:04
I just can't get a straight answer out of anyone why I wasn't approved - If two of my refs hadn't been put on hold for a problem with their completed offer then I would have had 11 referrals out of 8 - heck one is pending to go green too that would have been 12. I just don't get it, my new goal is to send in an approval form everyday until I am approved.
15-03-2006 14:31:53
trust me, i feel your pain. freepay's customer service is horrible and gets you nowhere.
yeah their cs is going to shit, except for jake. the thing is, if you keep asking the same question you will eventually get a correct answer )
they cannot change it to 10 after we signed up with 8 referrals. I would have done another site and NOT freepay. I need 2 more, one of which is waiting for me to go green for him 26 days and counting in waiting for manual credit (
15-03-2006 15:54:39
[quote4c842dc609="jy3"]yeah their cs is going to shit, except for jake. the thing is, if you keep asking the same question you will eventually get a correct answer )
they cannot change it to 10 after we signed up with 8 referrals. I would have done another site and NOT freepay. I need 2 more, one of which is waiting for me to go green for him 26 days and counting in waiting for manual credit ([/quote4c842dc609]
actually, it states in their terms that they can do whatever they want. If they wanted they can change the referral amounts.
15-03-2006 16:02:45
Yeah they can especially if the PS3 price goes up.
15-03-2006 16:07:21
Either way, you would have more than enough time to get the extra referrals if required. PS3 won't be out until November.
15-03-2006 16:27:13
[quote9fbcfa6258="VrExe"]Either way, you would have more than enough time to get the extra referrals if required. PS3 won't be out until November.[/quote9fbcfa6258]
90 day limit
15-03-2006 16:28:15
Here is exactly what the freepay tos says about this [quotea61b989514]Gratis Internet, Inc ("Gratis Internet") reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change its Terms & Conditions at any time, for any reason, without notice. We also reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change the methods through which free items are earned. This may include, but is not limited to, INCREASING THE NUMBER OF FRIENDS YOU HAVE TO REFER or adding more steps to confirm that you have a legitimate account.[/quotea61b989514]
and you probably dont want to send in an approval form everyday. one, it wil be a massive waste of postage. two, they wont approve you any faster. three, it will further bog down freepays system for the rest of us.
just my two cents
15-03-2006 18:23:03
and you probably dont want to send in an approval form everyday. one, it wil be a massive waste of postage. two, they wont approve you any faster. three, it will further bog down freepays system for the rest of us.
just my two cents[/quote0f47b6d905]
I wouldn't do that anyway, I was just saying that I should. I just think FreePay has it out for me, lol. I just want to get the whole situation figured out. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't paid two people to complete. Oh well I sent Jake a PM maybe I will get some good news cry
15-03-2006 18:24:39
[quote4a483c8977="Berky34"][quote4a483c8977="jy3"]yeah their cs is going to shit, except for jake. the thing is, if you keep asking the same question you will eventually get a correct answer )
they cannot change it to 10 after we signed up with 8 referrals. I would have done another site and NOT freepay. I need 2 more, one of which is waiting for me to go green for him 26 days and counting in waiting for manual credit ([/quote4a483c8977]
actually, it states in their terms that they can do whatever they want. If they wanted they can change the referral amounts.[/quote4a483c8977]
LOL they should change it to everyone will remain at eight referrals but egyptianruin will have to complete 10, THank you.
yeah it may say in their TOS that they can do it but i would expect that would never hold up in court. not that anyone would do that.
changing it to 10 would suck
17-03-2006 06:03:33
Well hopefully it's worked out, I remember one point someone at Gratis contacting me about my slim PS2 and their email addy was still in my gmail address book. I contacted them and they reassured me they worked it all out with CS and the Fraud Prevention Department and told me to contact them again if I had anymore problems. They told me I was indeed correct and CS was wrong and misinformed me.
common pattern of late
17-03-2006 09:27:28
brendenipod that clause in their TOS also used to not be there.
17-03-2006 14:28:17
are you sure? It was there when i signed up (yes, before the new rules).